
type IRGraph

type IRNode

// Name returns the symbol name of this function.
func (i *IRNode) Name() string {}

type IREdge

type CallSiteInfo

type Profile

// New generates a profile-graph from the profile or pre-processed profile.
func New(profileFile string) (*Profile, error) {}

// initializeIRGraph builds the IRGraph by visiting all the ir.Func in decl list
// of a package.
func createIRGraph(namedEdgeMap pgo.NamedEdgeMap) *IRGraph {}

// visitIR traverses the body of each ir.Func adds edges to g from ir.Func to
// any called function in the body.
func visitIR(fn *ir.Func, namedEdgeMap pgo.NamedEdgeMap, g *IRGraph) {}

// createIRGraphEdge traverses the nodes in the body of ir.Func and adds edges
// between the callernode which points to the ir.Func and the nodes in the
// body.
func createIRGraphEdge(fn *ir.Func, callernode *IRNode, name string, namedEdgeMap pgo.NamedEdgeMap, g *IRGraph) {}

// NodeLineOffset returns the line offset of n in fn.
func NodeLineOffset(n ir.Node, fn *ir.Func) int {}

// addIREdge adds an edge between caller and new node that points to `callee`
// based on the profile-graph and NodeMap.
func addIREdge(callerNode *IRNode, callerName string, call ir.Node, callee *ir.Func, namedEdgeMap pgo.NamedEdgeMap, g *IRGraph) {}

var LookupFunc

var PostLookupCleanup

// addIndirectEdges adds indirect call edges found in the profile to the graph,
// to be used for devirtualization.
// N.B. despite the name, addIndirectEdges will add any edges discovered via
// the profile. We don't know for sure that they are indirect, but assume they
// are since direct calls would already be added. (e.g., direct calls that have
// been deleted from source since the profile was taken would be added here).
// TODO(prattmic): Devirtualization runs before inlining, so we can't devirtualize
// calls inside inlined call bodies. If we did add that, we'd need edges from
// inlined bodies as well.
func addIndirectEdges(g *IRGraph, namedEdgeMap pgo.NamedEdgeMap) {}

// PrintWeightedCallGraphDOT prints IRGraph in DOT format.
func (p *Profile) PrintWeightedCallGraphDOT(edgeThreshold float64) {}

// DirectCallee takes a function-typed expression and returns the underlying
// function that it refers to if statically known. Otherwise, it returns nil.
// Equivalent to inline.inlCallee without calling CanInline on closures.
func DirectCallee(fn ir.Node) *ir.Func {}