
type ptabEntry

var signatmu

var signatset

var signatslice

var gcsymmu

var gcsymset

type typeSig

func commonSize() int {}

func uncommonSize(t *types.Type) int {}

func makefield(name string, t *types.Type) *types.Field {}

// methods returns the methods of the non-interface type t, sorted by name.
// Generates stub functions as needed.
func methods(t *types.Type) []*typeSig {}

// imethods returns the methods of the interface type t, sorted by name.
func imethods(t *types.Type) []*typeSig {}

func dimportpath(p *types.Pkg) {}

func dgopkgpath(c rttype.Cursor, pkg *types.Pkg) {}

// dgopkgpathOff writes an offset relocation to the pkg path symbol to c.
func dgopkgpathOff(c rttype.Cursor, pkg *types.Pkg) {}

// dnameField dumps a reflect.name for a struct field.
func dnameField(c rttype.Cursor, spkg *types.Pkg, ft *types.Field) {}

// dnameData writes the contents of a reflect.name into s at offset ot.
func dnameData(s *obj.LSym, ot int, name, tag string, pkg *types.Pkg, exported, embedded bool) int {}

var dnameCount

// dname creates a reflect.name for a struct field or method.
func dname(name, tag string, pkg *types.Pkg, exported, embedded bool) *obj.LSym {}

// dextratype dumps the fields of a runtime.uncommontype.
// dataAdd is the offset in bytes after the header where the
// backing array of the []method field should be written.
func dextratype(lsym *obj.LSym, off int64, t *types.Type, dataAdd int) {}

func typePkg(t *types.Type) *types.Pkg {}

func dmethodptrOff(c rttype.Cursor, x *obj.LSym) {}

var kinds

var memhashvarlen

var memequalvarlen

// dcommontype dumps the contents of a reflect.rtype (runtime._type) to c.
func dcommontype(c rttype.Cursor, t *types.Type) {}

// TrackSym returns the symbol for tracking use of field/method f, assumed
// to be a member of struct/interface type t.
func TrackSym(t *types.Type, f *types.Field) *obj.LSym {}

func TypeSymPrefix(prefix string, t *types.Type) *types.Sym {}

func TypeSym(t *types.Type) *types.Sym {}

func TypeLinksymPrefix(prefix string, t *types.Type) *obj.LSym {}

func TypeLinksymLookup(name string) *obj.LSym {}

func TypeLinksym(t *types.Type) *obj.LSym {}

// TypePtrAt returns an expression that evaluates to the
// *runtime._type value for t.
func TypePtrAt(pos src.XPos, t *types.Type) *ir.AddrExpr {}

// ITabLsym returns the LSym representing the itab for concrete type typ implementing
// interface iface. A dummy tab will be created in the unusual case where typ doesn't
// implement iface. Normally, this wouldn't happen, because the typechecker would
// have reported a compile-time error. This situation can only happen when the
// destination type of a type assert or a type in a type switch is parameterized, so
// it may sometimes, but not always, be a type that can't implement the specified
// interface.
func ITabLsym(typ, iface *types.Type) *obj.LSym {}

// ITabAddrAt returns an expression that evaluates to the
// *runtime.itab value for concrete type typ implementing interface
// iface.
func ITabAddrAt(pos src.XPos, typ, iface *types.Type) *ir.AddrExpr {}

// needkeyupdate reports whether map updates with t as a key
// need the key to be updated.
func needkeyupdate(t *types.Type) bool {}

// hashMightPanic reports whether the hash of a map key of type t might panic.
func hashMightPanic(t *types.Type) bool {}

// formalType replaces predeclared aliases with real types.
// They've been separate internally to make error messages
// better, but we have to merge them in the reflect tables.
func formalType(t *types.Type) *types.Type {}

func writeType(t *types.Type) *obj.LSym {}

// InterfaceMethodOffset returns the offset of the i-th method in the interface
// type descriptor, ityp.
func InterfaceMethodOffset(ityp *types.Type, i int64) int64 {}

// NeedRuntimeType ensures that a runtime type descriptor is emitted for t.
func NeedRuntimeType(t *types.Type) {}

func WriteRuntimeTypes() {}

func WriteGCSymbols() {}

// writeITab writes the itab for concrete type typ implementing interface iface. If
// allowNonImplement is true, allow the case where typ does not implement iface, and just
// create a dummy itab with zeroed-out method entries.
func writeITab(lsym *obj.LSym, typ, iface *types.Type, allowNonImplement bool) {}

func WritePluginTable() {}

// writtenByWriteBasicTypes reports whether typ is written by WriteBasicTypes.
// WriteBasicTypes always writes pointer types; any pointer has been stripped off typ already.
func writtenByWriteBasicTypes(typ *types.Type) bool {}

func WriteBasicTypes() {}

type typeAndStr

func typesStrCmp(a, b typeAndStr) int {}

// GCSym returns a data symbol containing GC information for type t, along
// with a boolean reporting whether the UseGCProg bit should be set in the
// type kind, and the ptrdata field to record in the reflect type information.
// GCSym may be called in concurrent backend, so it does not emit the symbol
// content.
func GCSym(t *types.Type) (lsym *obj.LSym, useGCProg bool, ptrdata int64) {}

// dgcsym returns a data symbol containing GC information for type t, along
// with a boolean reporting whether the UseGCProg bit should be set in the
// type kind, and the ptrdata field to record in the reflect type information.
// When write is true, it writes the symbol data.
func dgcsym(t *types.Type, write bool) (lsym *obj.LSym, useGCProg bool, ptrdata int64) {}

// dgcptrmask emits and returns the symbol containing a pointer mask for type t.
func dgcptrmask(t *types.Type, write bool) *obj.LSym {}

// fillptrmask fills in ptrmask with 1s corresponding to the
// word offsets in t that hold pointers.
// ptrmask is assumed to fit at least types.PtrDataSize(t)/PtrSize bits.
func fillptrmask(t *types.Type, ptrmask []byte) {}

// dgcprog emits and returns the symbol containing a GC program for type t
// along with the size of the data described by the program (in the range
// [types.PtrDataSize(t), t.Width]).
// In practice, the size is types.PtrDataSize(t) except for non-trivial arrays.
// For non-trivial arrays, the program describes the full t.Width size.
func dgcprog(t *types.Type, write bool) (*obj.LSym, int64) {}

type gcProg

func (p *gcProg) init(lsym *obj.LSym, write bool) {}

func (p *gcProg) writeByte(x byte) {}

func (p *gcProg) end() {}

func (p *gcProg) emit(t *types.Type, offset int64) {}

// ZeroAddr returns the address of a symbol with at least
// size bytes of zeros.
func ZeroAddr(size int64) ir.Node {}

// NeedEmit reports whether typ is a type that we need to emit code
// for (e.g., runtime type descriptors, method wrappers).
func NeedEmit(typ *types.Type) bool {}

// Generate a wrapper function to convert from
// a receiver of type T to a receiver of type U.
// That is,
//	func (t T) M() {
//		...
//	}
// already exists; this function generates
//	func (u U) M() {
//		u.M()
//	}
// where the types T and U are such that u.M() is valid
// and calls the T.M method.
// The resulting function is for use in method tables.
//	rcvr - U
//	method - M func (t T)(), a TFIELD type struct
// Also wraps methods on instantiated generic types for use in itab entries.
// For an instantiated generic type G[int], we generate wrappers like:
// G[int] pointer shaped:
//	func (x G[int]) f(arg) {
//		.inst.G[int].f(dictionary, x, arg)
//	}
// G[int] not pointer shaped:
//	func (x *G[int]) f(arg) {
//		.inst.G[int].f(dictionary, *x, arg)
//	}
// These wrappers are always fully stenciled.
func methodWrapper(rcvr *types.Type, method *types.Field, forItab bool) *obj.LSym {}

var ZeroSize

// MarkTypeUsedInInterface marks that type t is converted to an interface.
// This information is used in the linker in dead method elimination.
func MarkTypeUsedInInterface(t *types.Type, from *obj.LSym) {}

func MarkTypeSymUsedInInterface(tsym *obj.LSym, from *obj.LSym) {}

// MarkUsedIfaceMethod marks that an interface method is used in the current
// function. n is OCALLINTER node.
func MarkUsedIfaceMethod(n *ir.CallExpr) {}

func deref(t *types.Type) *types.Type {}