
type Block

type Edge

func (e Edge) Block() *Block {}

func (e Edge) Index() int {}

func (e Edge) String() string {}

type BlockKind

// short form print
func (b *Block) String() string {}

// long form print
func (b *Block) LongString() string {}

// NumControls returns the number of non-nil control values the
// block has.
func (b *Block) NumControls() int {}

// ControlValues returns a slice containing the non-nil control
// values of the block. The index of each control value will be
// the same as it is in the Controls property and can be used
// in ReplaceControl calls.
func (b *Block) ControlValues() []*Value {}

// SetControl removes all existing control values and then adds
// the control value provided. The number of control values after
// a call to SetControl will always be 1.
func (b *Block) SetControl(v *Value) {}

// ResetControls sets the number of controls for the block to 0.
func (b *Block) ResetControls() {}

// AddControl appends a control value to the existing list of control values.
func (b *Block) AddControl(v *Value) {}

// ReplaceControl exchanges the existing control value at the index provided
// for the new value. The index must refer to a valid control value.
func (b *Block) ReplaceControl(i int, v *Value) {}

// CopyControls replaces the controls for this block with those from the
// provided block. The provided block is not modified.
func (b *Block) CopyControls(from *Block) {}

// Reset sets the block to the provided kind and clears all the blocks control
// and auxiliary values. Other properties of the block, such as its successors,
// predecessors and values are left unmodified.
func (b *Block) Reset(kind BlockKind) {}

// resetWithControl resets b and adds control v.
// It is equivalent to b.Reset(kind); b.AddControl(v),
// except that it is one call instead of two and avoids a bounds check.
// It is intended for use by rewrite rules, where this matters.
func (b *Block) resetWithControl(kind BlockKind, v *Value) {}

// resetWithControl2 resets b and adds controls v and w.
// It is equivalent to b.Reset(kind); b.AddControl(v); b.AddControl(w),
// except that it is one call instead of three and avoids two bounds checks.
// It is intended for use by rewrite rules, where this matters.
func (b *Block) resetWithControl2(kind BlockKind, v, w *Value) {}

// truncateValues truncates b.Values at the ith element, zeroing subsequent elements.
// The values in b.Values after i must already have had their args reset,
// to maintain correct value uses counts.
func (b *Block) truncateValues(i int) {}

// AddEdgeTo adds an edge from block b to block c.
func (b *Block) AddEdgeTo(c *Block) {}

// removePred removes the ith input edge from b.
// It is the responsibility of the caller to remove
// the corresponding successor edge, and adjust any
// phi values by calling b.removePhiArg(v, i).
func (b *Block) removePred(i int) {}

// removeSucc removes the ith output edge from b.
// It is the responsibility of the caller to remove
// the corresponding predecessor edge.
// Note that this potentially reorders successors of b, so it
// must be used very carefully.
func (b *Block) removeSucc(i int) {}

func (b *Block) swapSuccessors() {}

// Swaps b.Succs[x] and b.Succs[y].
func (b *Block) swapSuccessorsByIdx(x, y int) {}

// removePhiArg removes the ith arg from phi.
// It must be called after calling b.removePred(i) to
// adjust the corresponding phi value of the block:
// b.removePred(i)
// for _, v := range b.Values {
//	if v.Op != OpPhi {
//	    continue
//	}
//	b.removePhiArg(v, i)
// }
func (b *Block) removePhiArg(phi *Value, i int) {}

// uniquePred returns the predecessor of b, if there is exactly one.
// Returns nil otherwise.
func (b *Block) uniquePred() *Block {}

// LackingPos indicates whether b is a block whose position should be inherited
// from its successors.  This is true if all the values within it have unreliable positions
// and if it is "plain", meaning that there is no control flow that is also very likely
// to correspond to a well-understood source position.
func (b *Block) LackingPos() bool {}

func (b *Block) AuxIntString() string {}

// likelyBranch reports whether block b is the likely branch of all of its predecessors.
func (b *Block) likelyBranch() bool {}

func (b *Block) Logf(msg string, args ...interface{}

func (b *Block) Log() bool                              {}

func (b *Block) Fatalf(msg string, args ...interface{}

type BranchPrediction

const BranchUnlikely

const BranchUnknown

const BranchLikely

type Hotness

const HotNotFlowIn

const HotInitial

const HotPgo

const HotNot

const HotInitialNotFlowIn

const HotPgoInitial

const HotPgoInitialNotFLowIn