
var asmLine

var sepRE

var inlineLine

var testGoArchFlag

func testGoArch() string {}

func hasRegisterABI() bool {}

func unixOnly(t *testing.T) {}

// testDebugLinesDefault removes the first wanted statement on architectures that are not (yet) register ABI.
func testDebugLinesDefault(t *testing.T, gcflags, file, function string, wantStmts []int, ignoreRepeats bool) {}

func TestDebugLinesSayHi(t *testing.T) {}

func TestDebugLinesPushback(t *testing.T) {}

func TestDebugLinesConvert(t *testing.T) {}

func TestInlineLines(t *testing.T) {}

func TestDebugLines_53456(t *testing.T) {}

func compileAndDump(t *testing.T, file, function, moreGCFlags string) []byte {}

func sortInlineStacks(x [][]int) {}

// testInlineStack ensures that inlining is described properly in the comments in the dump file
func testInlineStack(t *testing.T, file, function string, wantStacks [][]int) {}

// testDebugLines compiles testdata/<file> with flags -N -l and -d=ssa/genssa/dump=<function>
// then verifies that the statement-marked lines in that file are the same as those in wantStmts
// These files must all be short because this is super-fragile.
// "go build" is run in a temporary directory that is normally deleted, unless -test.v
func testDebugLines(t *testing.T, gcflags, file, function string, wantStmts []int, ignoreRepeats bool) {}