
var update

var verbose

var dryrun

var useGdb

var force

var repeats

var inlines

var hexRe

var numRe

var stringRe

var leadingDollarNumberRe

var optOutGdbRe

var numberColonRe

var gdb

var debugger

var gogcflags

var optimizedLibs

// TestNexting go-builds a file, then uses a debugger (default delve, optionally gdb)
// to next through the generated executable, recording each line landed at, and
// then compares those lines with reference file(s).
// Flag -u updates the reference file(s).
// Flag -g changes the debugger to gdb (and uses gdb-specific reference files)
// Flag -v is ever-so-slightly verbose.
// Flag -n is for dry-run, and prints the shell and first debug commands.
// Because this test (combined with existing compiler deficiencies) is flaky,
// for gdb-based testing by default inlining is disabled
// (otherwise output depends on library internals)
// and for both gdb and dlv by default repeated lines in the next stream are ignored
// (because this appears to be timing-dependent in gdb, and the cleanest fix is in code common to gdb and dlv).
// Also by default, any source code outside of .../testdata/ is not mentioned
// in the debugging histories.  This deals both with inlined library code once
// the compiler is generating clean inline records, and also deals with
// runtime code between return from main and process exit.  This is hidden
// so that those files (in the runtime/library) can change without affecting
// this test.
// These choices can be reversed with -i (inlining on) and -r (repeats detected) which
// will also cause their own failures against the expected outputs.  Note that if the compiler
// and debugger were behaving properly, the inlined code and repeated lines would not appear,
// so the expected output is closer to what we hope to see, though it also encodes all our
// current bugs.
// The file being tested may contain comments of the form
// //DBG-TAG=(v1,v2,v3)
// where DBG = {gdb,dlv} and TAG={dbg,opt}
// each variable may optionally be followed by a / and one or more of S,A,N,O
// to indicate normalization of Strings, (hex) addresses, and numbers.
// "O" is an explicit indication that we expect it to be optimized out.
// For example:
//	if len(os.Args) > 1 { //gdb-dbg=(hist/A,cannedInput/A) //dlv-dbg=(hist/A,cannedInput/A)
// TODO: not implemented for Delve yet, but this is the plan
// After a compiler change that causes a difference in the debug behavior, check
// to see if it is sensible or not, and if it is, update the reference files with
// go test debug_test.go -args -u
// (for Delve)
// go test debug_test.go -args -u -d
func TestNexting(t *testing.T) {}

// subTest creates a subtest that compiles basename.go with the specified gcflags and additional compiler arguments,
// then runs the debugger on the resulting binary, with any comment-specified actions matching tag triggered.
func subTest(t *testing.T, tag string, basename string, gcflags string, moreargs ...string) {}

// skipSubTest is the same as subTest except that it skips the test if execution is not forced (-f)
func skipSubTest(t *testing.T, tag string, basename string, gcflags string, count int, moreargs ...string) {}

// optSubTest is the same as subTest except that it skips the test if the runtime and libraries
// were not compiled with optimization turned on.  (The skip may not be necessary with Go 1.10 and later)
func optSubTest(t *testing.T, tag string, basename string, gcflags string, count int, moreargs ...string) {}

func testNexting(t *testing.T, base, tag, gcflags string, count int, moreArgs ...string) {}

type dbgr

func runDbgr(dbg dbgr, maxNext int) *nextHist {}

func runGo(t *testing.T, dir string, args ...string) string {}

type tstring

func (t tstring) String() string {}

type pos

type nextHist

func (h *nextHist) write(filename string) {}

func (h *nextHist) read(filename string) {}

// add appends file (name), line (number) and text (string) to the history,
// provided that the file+line combo does not repeat the previous position,
// and provided that the file is within the testdata directory.  The return
// value indicates whether the append occurred.
func (h *nextHist) add(file, line, text string) bool {}

func (h *nextHist) addVar(text string) {}

func invertMapSU8(hf2i map[string]uint8) map[uint8]string {}

func (h *nextHist) equals(k *nextHist) bool {}

// canonFileName strips everything before "/src/" from a filename.
// This makes file names portable across different machines,
// home directories, and temporary directories.
func canonFileName(f string) string {}

type delveState

func newDelve(t testing.TB, tag, executable string, args ...string) dbgr {}

func (s *delveState) tag() string {}

func (s *delveState) stepnext(ss string) bool {}

func (s *delveState) start() {}

func (s *delveState) quit() {}

type gdbState

func newGdb(t testing.TB, tag, executable string, args ...string) dbgr {}

func (s *gdbState) tag() string {}

func (s *gdbState) start() {}

func (s *gdbState) stepnext(ss string) bool {}

// printVariableAndNormalize extracts any slash-indicated normalizing requests from the variable
// name, then uses printer to get the value of the variable from the debugger, and then
// normalizes and returns the response.
func printVariableAndNormalize(v string, printer func(v string) string) string {}

// varsToPrint takes a source code line, and extracts the comma-separated variable names
// found between lookfor and the next ")".
// For example, if line includes "... //gdb-foo=(v1,v2,v3)" and
// lookfor="//gdb-foo=(", then varsToPrint returns ["v1", "v2", "v3"]
func varsToPrint(line, lookfor string) []string {}

func (s *gdbState) quit() {}

type ioState

func newIoState(cmd *exec.Cmd) *ioState {}

func (s *ioState) hist() *nextHist {}

// writeRead writes ss, then reads stdout and stderr, waiting 500ms to
// be sure all the output has appeared.
func (s *ioState) writeRead(ss string) tstring {}

// writeReadExpect writes ss, then reads stdout and stderr until something
// that matches expectRE appears.  expectRE should not be ""
func (s *ioState) writeReadExpect(ss, expectRE string) tstring {}

func (s *ioState) readExpecting(millis, interlineTimeout int, expectedRE string) tstring {}

func (s *ioState) readSimpleExpecting(expectedRE string) tstring {}

// replaceEnv returns a new environment derived from env
// by removing any existing definition of ev and adding ev=evv.
func replaceEnv(env []string, ev string, evv string) []string {}

// asCommandLine renders cmd as something that could be copy-and-pasted into a command line
// If cwd is not empty and different from the command's directory, prepend an appropriate "cd"
func asCommandLine(cwd string, cmd *exec.Cmd) string {}

// escape inserts escapes appropriate for use in a shell command line
func escape(s string) string {}

func expect(want string, got tstring) {}