
func postExpandCallsDecompose(f *Func) {}

func expandCalls(f *Func) {}

func (x *expandState) rewriteFuncResults(v *Value, b *Block, aux *AuxCall) {}

func (x *expandState) rewriteCallArgs(v *Value, firstArg int) {}

func (x *expandState) decomposePair(pos src.XPos, b *Block, a, mem *Value, t0, t1 *types.Type, o0, o1 Op, rc *registerCursor) *Value {}

func (x *expandState) decomposeOne(pos src.XPos, b *Block, a, mem *Value, t0 *types.Type, o0 Op, rc *registerCursor) *Value {}

// decomposeAsNecessary converts a value (perhaps an aggregate) passed to a call or returned by a function,
// into the appropriate sequence of stores and register assignments to transmit that value in a given ABI, and
// returns the current memory after this convert/rewrite (it may be the input memory, perhaps stores were needed.)
// 'pos' is the source position all this is tied to
// 'b' is the enclosing block
// 'a' is the value to decompose
// 'm0' is the input memory arg used for the first store (or returned if there are no stores)
// 'rc' is a registerCursor which identifies the register/memory destination for the value
func (x *expandState) decomposeAsNecessary(pos src.XPos, b *Block, a, m0 *Value, rc registerCursor) *Value {}

// Convert scalar OpArg into the proper OpWhateverArg instruction
// Convert scalar OpSelectN into perhaps-differently-indexed OpSelectN
// Convert aggregate OpArg into Make of its parts (which are eventually scalars)
// Convert aggregate OpSelectN into Make of its parts (which are eventually scalars)
// Returns the converted value.
//   - "pos" the position for any generated instructions
//   - "b" the block for any generated instructions
//   - "container" the outermost OpArg/OpSelectN
//   - "a" the instruction to overwrite, if any (only the outermost caller)
//   - "m0" the memory arg for any loads that are necessary
//   - "at" the type of the Arg/part
//   - "rc" the register/memory cursor locating the various parts of the Arg.
func (x *expandState) rewriteSelectOrArg(pos src.XPos, b *Block, container, a, m0 *Value, at *types.Type, rc registerCursor) *Value {}

// rewriteWideSelectToStores handles the case of a SelectN'd result from a function call that is too large for SSA,
// but is transferred in registers.  In this case the register cursor tracks both operands; the register sources and
// the memory destinations.
// This returns the memory flowing out of the last store
func (x *expandState) rewriteWideSelectToStores(pos src.XPos, b *Block, container, m0 *Value, at *types.Type, rc registerCursor) *Value {}

func isBlockMultiValueExit(b *Block) bool {}

type Abi1RO

type registerCursor

func (c *registerCursor) String() string {}

// next effectively post-increments the register cursor; the receiver is advanced,
// the (aligned) old value is returned.
func (c *registerCursor) next(t *types.Type) registerCursor {}

// plus returns a register cursor offset from the original, without modifying the original.
func (c *registerCursor) plus(regWidth Abi1RO) registerCursor {}

// at returns the register cursor for component i of t, where the first
// component is numbered 0.
func (c *registerCursor) at(t *types.Type, i int) registerCursor {}

func (c *registerCursor) init(regs []abi.RegIndex, info *abi.ABIParamResultInfo, result *[]*Value, storeDest *Value, storeOffset int64) {}

func (c *registerCursor) addArg(v *Value) {}

func (c *registerCursor) hasRegs() bool {}

func (c *registerCursor) ArgOpAndRegisterFor() (Op, int64) {}

// ArgOpAndRegisterFor converts an abi register index into an ssa Op and corresponding
// arg register index.
func ArgOpAndRegisterFor(r abi.RegIndex, abiConfig *abi.ABIConfig) (Op, int64) {}

type selKey

type expandState

// intPairTypes returns the pair of 32-bit int types needed to encode a 64-bit integer type on a target
// that has no 64-bit integer registers.
func (x *expandState) intPairTypes(et types.Kind) (tHi, tLo *types.Type) {}

// offsetFrom creates an offset from a pointer, simplifying chained offsets and offsets from SP
func (x *expandState) offsetFrom(b *Block, from *Value, offset int64, pt *types.Type) *Value {}

func (x *expandState) regWidth(t *types.Type) Abi1RO {}

// regOffset returns the register offset of the i'th element of type t
func (x *expandState) regOffset(t *types.Type, i int) Abi1RO {}

// prAssignForArg returns the ABIParamAssignment for v, assumed to be an OpArg.
func (x *expandState) prAssignForArg(v *Value) *abi.ABIParamAssignment {}

// ParamAssignmentForArgName returns the ABIParamAssignment for f's arg with matching name.
func ParamAssignmentForArgName(f *Func, name *ir.Name) *abi.ABIParamAssignment {}

// indent increments (or decrements) the indentation.
func (x *expandState) indent(n int) {}

// Printf does an indented fmt.Printf on the format and args.
func (x *expandState) Printf(format string, a ...interface{}

func (x *expandState) invalidateRecursively(a *Value) {}