
type Func

type LocalSlotSplitKey

// NewFunc returns a new, empty function object.
// Caller must reset cache before calling NewFunc.
func (c *Config) NewFunc(fe Frontend, cache *Cache) *Func {}

// NumBlocks returns an integer larger than the id of any Block in the Func.
func (f *Func) NumBlocks() int {}

// NumValues returns an integer larger than the id of any Value in the Func.
func (f *Func) NumValues() int {}

// NameABI returns the function name followed by comma and the ABI number.
// This is intended for use with GOSSAFUNC and HTML dumps, and differs from
// the linker's "<1>" convention because "<" and ">" require shell quoting
// and are not legal file names (for use with GOSSADIR) on Windows.
func (f *Func) NameABI() string {}

// FuncNameABI returns n followed by a comma and the value of a.
// This is a separate function to allow a single point encoding
// of the format, which is used in places where there's not a Func yet.
func FuncNameABI(n string, a obj.ABI) string {}

// newSparseSet returns a sparse set that can store at least up to n integers.
func (f *Func) newSparseSet(n int) *sparseSet {}

// retSparseSet returns a sparse set to the config's cache of sparse
// sets to be reused by f.newSparseSet.
func (f *Func) retSparseSet(ss *sparseSet) {}

// newSparseMap returns a sparse map that can store at least up to n integers.
func (f *Func) newSparseMap(n int) *sparseMap {}

// retSparseMap returns a sparse map to the config's cache of sparse
// sets to be reused by f.newSparseMap.
func (f *Func) retSparseMap(ss *sparseMap) {}

// newSparseMapPos returns a sparse map that can store at least up to n integers.
func (f *Func) newSparseMapPos(n int) *sparseMapPos {}

// retSparseMapPos returns a sparse map to the config's cache of sparse
// sets to be reused by f.newSparseMapPos.
func (f *Func) retSparseMapPos(ss *sparseMapPos) {}

// newPoset returns a new poset from the internal cache
func (f *Func) newPoset() *poset {}

// retPoset returns a poset to the internal cache
func (f *Func) retPoset(po *poset) {}

func (f *Func) localSlotAddr(slot LocalSlot) *LocalSlot {}

func (f *Func) SplitString(name *LocalSlot) (*LocalSlot, *LocalSlot) {}

func (f *Func) SplitInterface(name *LocalSlot) (*LocalSlot, *LocalSlot) {}

func (f *Func) SplitSlice(name *LocalSlot) (*LocalSlot, *LocalSlot, *LocalSlot) {}

func (f *Func) SplitComplex(name *LocalSlot) (*LocalSlot, *LocalSlot) {}

func (f *Func) SplitInt64(name *LocalSlot) (*LocalSlot, *LocalSlot) {}

func (f *Func) SplitStruct(name *LocalSlot, i int) *LocalSlot {}

func (f *Func) SplitArray(name *LocalSlot) *LocalSlot {}

func (f *Func) SplitSlot(name *LocalSlot, sfx string, offset int64, t *types.Type) *LocalSlot {}

// newValue allocates a new Value with the given fields and places it at the end of b.Values.
func (f *Func) newValue(op Op, t *types.Type, b *Block, pos src.XPos) *Value {}

// newValueNoBlock allocates a new Value with the given fields.
// The returned value is not placed in any block.  Once the caller
// decides on a block b, it must set b.Block and append
// the returned value to b.Values.
func (f *Func) newValueNoBlock(op Op, t *types.Type, pos src.XPos) *Value {}

// LogStat writes a string key and int value as a warning in a
// tab-separated format easily handled by spreadsheets or awk.
// file names, lines, and function names are included to provide enough (?)
// context to allow item-by-item comparisons across runs.
// For example:
// awk 'BEGIN {FS="\t"} $3~/TIME/{sum+=$4} END{print "t(ns)=",sum}' t.log
func (f *Func) LogStat(key string, args ...interface{}

// unCacheLine removes v from f's constant cache "line" for aux,
// resets v.InCache when it is found (and removed),
// and returns whether v was found in that line.
func (f *Func) unCacheLine(v *Value, aux int64) bool {}

// unCache removes v from f's constant cache.
func (f *Func) unCache(v *Value) {}

// freeValue frees a value. It must no longer be referenced or have any args.
func (f *Func) freeValue(v *Value) {}

// NewBlock allocates a new Block of the given kind and places it at the end of f.Blocks.
func (f *Func) NewBlock(kind BlockKind) *Block {}

func (f *Func) freeBlock(b *Block) {}

// NewValue0 returns a new value in the block with no arguments and zero aux values.
func (b *Block) NewValue0(pos src.XPos, op Op, t *types.Type) *Value {}

// NewValue0I returns a new value in the block with no arguments and an auxint value.
func (b *Block) NewValue0I(pos src.XPos, op Op, t *types.Type, auxint int64) *Value {}

// NewValue0A returns a new value in the block with no arguments and an aux value.
func (b *Block) NewValue0A(pos src.XPos, op Op, t *types.Type, aux Aux) *Value {}

// NewValue0IA returns a new value in the block with no arguments and both an auxint and aux values.
func (b *Block) NewValue0IA(pos src.XPos, op Op, t *types.Type, auxint int64, aux Aux) *Value {}

// NewValue1 returns a new value in the block with one argument and zero aux values.
func (b *Block) NewValue1(pos src.XPos, op Op, t *types.Type, arg *Value) *Value {}

// NewValue1I returns a new value in the block with one argument and an auxint value.
func (b *Block) NewValue1I(pos src.XPos, op Op, t *types.Type, auxint int64, arg *Value) *Value {}

// NewValue1A returns a new value in the block with one argument and an aux value.
func (b *Block) NewValue1A(pos src.XPos, op Op, t *types.Type, aux Aux, arg *Value) *Value {}

// NewValue1IA returns a new value in the block with one argument and both an auxint and aux values.
func (b *Block) NewValue1IA(pos src.XPos, op Op, t *types.Type, auxint int64, aux Aux, arg *Value) *Value {}

// NewValue2 returns a new value in the block with two arguments and zero aux values.
func (b *Block) NewValue2(pos src.XPos, op Op, t *types.Type, arg0, arg1 *Value) *Value {}

// NewValue2A returns a new value in the block with two arguments and one aux values.
func (b *Block) NewValue2A(pos src.XPos, op Op, t *types.Type, aux Aux, arg0, arg1 *Value) *Value {}

// NewValue2I returns a new value in the block with two arguments and an auxint value.
func (b *Block) NewValue2I(pos src.XPos, op Op, t *types.Type, auxint int64, arg0, arg1 *Value) *Value {}

// NewValue2IA returns a new value in the block with two arguments and both an auxint and aux values.
func (b *Block) NewValue2IA(pos src.XPos, op Op, t *types.Type, auxint int64, aux Aux, arg0, arg1 *Value) *Value {}

// NewValue3 returns a new value in the block with three arguments and zero aux values.
func (b *Block) NewValue3(pos src.XPos, op Op, t *types.Type, arg0, arg1, arg2 *Value) *Value {}

// NewValue3I returns a new value in the block with three arguments and an auxint value.
func (b *Block) NewValue3I(pos src.XPos, op Op, t *types.Type, auxint int64, arg0, arg1, arg2 *Value) *Value {}

// NewValue3A returns a new value in the block with three argument and an aux value.
func (b *Block) NewValue3A(pos src.XPos, op Op, t *types.Type, aux Aux, arg0, arg1, arg2 *Value) *Value {}

// NewValue4 returns a new value in the block with four arguments and zero aux values.
func (b *Block) NewValue4(pos src.XPos, op Op, t *types.Type, arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3 *Value) *Value {}

// NewValue4I returns a new value in the block with four arguments and auxint value.
func (b *Block) NewValue4I(pos src.XPos, op Op, t *types.Type, auxint int64, arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3 *Value) *Value {}

// constVal returns a constant value for c.
func (f *Func) constVal(op Op, t *types.Type, c int64, setAuxInt bool) *Value {}

const constSliceMagic

const constInterfaceMagic

const constNilMagic

const constEmptyStringMagic

// ConstBool returns an int constant representing its argument.
func (f *Func) ConstBool(t *types.Type, c bool) *Value {}

func (f *Func) ConstInt8(t *types.Type, c int8) *Value {}

func (f *Func) ConstInt16(t *types.Type, c int16) *Value {}

func (f *Func) ConstInt32(t *types.Type, c int32) *Value {}

func (f *Func) ConstInt64(t *types.Type, c int64) *Value {}

func (f *Func) ConstFloat32(t *types.Type, c float64) *Value {}

func (f *Func) ConstFloat64(t *types.Type, c float64) *Value {}

func (f *Func) ConstSlice(t *types.Type) *Value {}

func (f *Func) ConstInterface(t *types.Type) *Value {}

func (f *Func) ConstNil(t *types.Type) *Value {}

func (f *Func) ConstEmptyString(t *types.Type) *Value {}

func (f *Func) ConstOffPtrSP(t *types.Type, c int64, sp *Value) *Value {}

func (f *Func) Frontend() Frontend                                  {}

func (f *Func) Warnl(pos src.XPos, msg string, args ...interface{}

func (f *Func) Logf(msg string, args ...interface{}

func (f *Func) Log() bool                                           {}

func (f *Func) Fatalf(msg string, args ...interface{}

// postorder returns the reachable blocks in f in a postorder traversal.
func (f *Func) postorder() []*Block {}

func (f *Func) Postorder() []*Block {}

// Idom returns a map from block ID to the immediate dominator of that block.
// f.Entry.ID maps to nil. Unreachable blocks map to nil as well.
func (f *Func) Idom() []*Block {}

// Sdom returns a sparse tree representing the dominator relationships
// among the blocks of f.
func (f *Func) Sdom() SparseTree {}

// loopnest returns the loop nest information for f.
func (f *Func) loopnest() *loopnest {}

// invalidateCFG tells f that its CFG has changed.
func (f *Func) invalidateCFG() {}

// DebugHashMatch returns
//	base.DebugHashMatch(this function's package.name)
// for use in bug isolation.  The return value is true unless
// environment variable GOCOMPILEDEBUG=gossahash=X is set, in which case "it depends on X".
// See [base.DebugHashMatch] for more information.
func (f *Func) DebugHashMatch() bool {}

func (f *Func) spSb() (sp, sb *Value) {}

// useFMA allows targeted debugging w/ GOFMAHASH
// If you have an architecture-dependent FP glitch, this will help you find it.
func (f *Func) useFMA(v *Value) bool {}

// NewLocal returns a new anonymous local variable of the given type.
func (f *Func) NewLocal(pos src.XPos, typ *types.Type) *ir.Name {}

// IsMergeCandidate returns true if variable n could participate in
// stack slot merging. For now we're restricting the set to things to
// items larger than what CanSSA would allow (approximateky, we disallow things
// marked as open defer slots so as to avoid complicating liveness
// analysis.
func IsMergeCandidate(n *ir.Name) bool {}