
type HTMLWriter

func NewHTMLWriter(path string, f *Func, cfgMask string) *HTMLWriter {}

// Fatalf reports an error and exits.
func (w *HTMLWriter) Fatalf(msg string, args ...interface{}

// Logf calls the (w *HTMLWriter).Func's Logf method passing along a msg and args.
func (w *HTMLWriter) Logf(msg string, args ...interface{}

func (w *HTMLWriter) start() {}

func (w *HTMLWriter) Close() {}

// WritePhase writes f in a column headed by title.
// phase is used for collapsing columns and should be unique across the table.
func (w *HTMLWriter) WritePhase(phase, title string) {}

// flushPhases collects any pending phases and titles, writes them to the html, and resets the pending slices.
func (w *HTMLWriter) flushPhases() {}

type FuncLines

// ByTopoCmp sorts topologically: target function is on top,
// followed by inlined functions sorted by filename and line numbers.
func ByTopoCmp(a, b *FuncLines) int {}

// WriteSources writes lines as source code in a column headed by title.
// phase is used for collapsing columns and should be unique across the table.
func (w *HTMLWriter) WriteSources(phase string, all []*FuncLines) {}

func (w *HTMLWriter) WriteAST(phase string, buf *bytes.Buffer) {}

// WriteColumn writes raw HTML in a column headed by title.
// It is intended for pre- and post-compilation log output.
func (w *HTMLWriter) WriteColumn(phase, title, class, html string) {}

func (w *HTMLWriter) WriteMultiTitleColumn(phase string, titles []string, class, html string) {}

func (w *HTMLWriter) Printf(msg string, v ...interface{}

func (w *HTMLWriter) WriteString(s string) {}

func (v *Value) HTML() string {}

func (v *Value) LongHTML() string {}

func (b *Block) HTML() string {}

func (b *Block) LongHTML() string {}

func (f *Func) HTML(phase string, dot *dotWriter) string {}

func (d *dotWriter) writeFuncSVG(w io.Writer, phase string, f *Func) {}

func (b *Block) unlikelyIndex() int {}

func (d *dotWriter) copyUntil(w io.Writer, buf *bytes.Buffer, sep string) error {}

type htmlFuncPrinter

func (p htmlFuncPrinter) header(f *Func) {}

func (p htmlFuncPrinter) startBlock(b *Block, reachable bool) {}

func (p htmlFuncPrinter) endBlock(b *Block, reachable bool) {}

func (p htmlFuncPrinter) value(v *Value, live bool) {}

func (p htmlFuncPrinter) startDepCycle() {}

func (p htmlFuncPrinter) endDepCycle() {}

func (p htmlFuncPrinter) named(n LocalSlot, vals []*Value) {}

type dotWriter

// newDotWriter returns non-nil value when mask is valid.
// dotWriter will generate SVGs only for the phases specified in the mask.
// mask can contain following patterns and combinations of them:
// *   - all of them;
// x-y - x through y, inclusive;
// x,y - x and y, but not the passes between.
func newDotWriter(mask string) *dotWriter {}

func passIdxByName(name string) int {}