
type loop

// outerinner records that outer contains inner
func (sdom SparseTree) outerinner(outer, inner *loop) {}

func checkContainsCall(bb *Block) bool {}

type loopnest

const blDEFAULT

const blMin

const blCALL

const blRET

const blEXIT

var bllikelies

func describePredictionAgrees(b *Block, prediction BranchPrediction) string {}

func describeBranchPrediction(f *Func, b *Block, likely, not int8, prediction BranchPrediction) {}

func likelyadjust(f *Func) {}

func (l *loop) String() string {}

func (l *loop) LongString() string {}

func (l *loop) isWithinOrEq(ll *loop) bool {}

// nearestOuterLoop returns the outer loop of loop most nearly
// containing block b; the header must dominate b.  loop itself
// is assumed to not be that loop. For acceptable performance,
// we're relying on loop nests to not be terribly deep.
func (l *loop) nearestOuterLoop(sdom SparseTree, b *Block) *loop {}

func loopnestfor(f *Func) *loopnest {}

// assembleChildren initializes the children field of each
// loop in the nest.  Loop A is a child of loop B if A is
// directly nested within B (based on the reducible-loops
// detection above)
func (ln *loopnest) assembleChildren() {}

// calculateDepths uses the children field of loops
// to determine the nesting depth (outer=1) of each
// loop.  This is helpful for finding exit edges.
func (ln *loopnest) calculateDepths() {}

// findExits uses loop depth information to find the
// exits from a loop.
func (ln *loopnest) findExits() {}

// depth returns the loop nesting level of block b.
func (ln *loopnest) depth(b ID) int16 {}

// recordIfExit checks sl (the loop containing b) to see if it
// is outside of loop l, and if so, records b as an exit block
// from l and returns true.
func recordIfExit(l, sl *loop, b *Block) bool {}

func (l *loop) setDepth(d int16) {}

// iterationEnd checks if block b ends iteration of loop l.
// Ending iteration means either escaping to outer loop/code or
// going back to header
func (l *loop) iterationEnd(b *Block, b2l []*loop) bool {}