
type indVarFlags

const indVarMinExc

const indVarMaxInc

const indVarCountDown

type indVar

// parseIndVar checks whether the SSA value passed as argument is a valid induction
// variable, and, if so, extracts:
//   - the minimum bound
//   - the increment value
//   - the "next" value (SSA value that is Phi'd into the induction variable every loop)
// Currently, we detect induction variables that match (Phi min nxt),
// with nxt being (Add inc ind).
// If it can't parse the induction variable correctly, it returns (nil, nil, nil).
func parseIndVar(ind *Value) (min, inc, nxt *Value) {}

// findIndVar finds induction variables in a function.
// Look for variables and blocks that satisfy the following
//	 loop:
//	   ind = (Phi min nxt),
//	   if ind < max
//	     then goto enter_loop
//	     else goto exit_loop
//	   enter_loop:
//		do something
//	      nxt = inc + ind
//		goto loop
//	 exit_loop:
func findIndVar(f *Func) []indVar {}

// addWillOverflow reports whether x+y would result in a value more than maxint.
func addWillOverflow(x, y int64) bool {}

// subWillUnderflow reports whether x-y would result in a value less than minint.
func subWillUnderflow(x, y int64) bool {}

// diff returns x-y as a uint64. Requires x>=y.
func diff(x, y int64) uint64 {}

// addU returns x+y. Requires that x+y does not overflow an int64.
func addU(x int64, y uint64) int64 {}

// subU returns x-y. Requires that x-y does not underflow an int64.
func subU(x int64, y uint64) int64 {}

// if v is known to be x - c, where x is known to be nonnegative and c is a
// constant, return x, c. Otherwise return nil, 0.
func findKNN(v *Value) (*Value, int64) {}

func printIndVar(b *Block, i, min, max *Value, inc int64, flags indVarFlags) {}

func minSignedValue(t *types.Type) int64 {}

func maxSignedValue(t *types.Type) int64 {}