
type edgeMem

type rewriteTarget

type rewrite

func (r *rewrite) String() string {}

// insertLoopReschedChecks inserts rescheduling checks on loop backedges.
func insertLoopReschedChecks(f *Func) {}

// newPhiFor inserts a new Phi function into b,
// with all inputs set to v.
func newPhiFor(b *Block, v *Value) *Value {}

// rewriteNewPhis updates newphis[h] to record all places where the new phi function inserted
// in block h will replace a previous definition.  Block b is the block currently being processed;
// if b has its own phi definition then it takes the place of h.
// defsForUses provides information about other definitions of the variable that are present
// (and if nil, indicates that the variable is no longer live)
// sdom must yield a preorder of the flow graph if recursively walked, root-to-children.
// The result of newSparseOrderedTree with order supplied by a dfs-postorder satisfies this
// requirement.
func rewriteNewPhis(h, b *Block, f *Func, defsForUses []*Value, newphis map[*Block]rewrite, dfPhiTargets map[rewriteTarget]bool, sdom SparseTree) {}

// addDFphis creates new trivial phis that are necessary to correctly reflect (within SSA)
// a new definition for variable "x" inserted at h (usually but not necessarily a phi).
// These new phis can only occur at the dominance frontier of h; block s is in the dominance
// frontier of h if h does not strictly dominate s and if s is a successor of a block b where
// either b = h or h strictly dominates b.
// These newly created phis are themselves new definitions that may require addition of their
// own trivial phi functions in their own dominance frontier, and this is handled recursively.
func addDFphis(x *Value, h, b *Block, f *Func, defForUses []*Value, newphis map[*Block]rewrite, sdom SparseTree) {}

// findLastMems maps block ids to last memory-output op in a block, if any.
func findLastMems(f *Func) []*Value {}

type markKind

const notFound

const notExplored

const explored

const done

type backedgesState

// backedges returns a slice of successor edges that are back
// edges.  For reducible loops, edge.b is the header.
func backedges(f *Func) []Edge {}