
type Op

type opInfo

type inputInfo

type outputInfo

type regInfo

func (r *regInfo) String() string {}

type auxType

type AuxNameOffset

func (a *AuxNameOffset) CanBeAnSSAAux() {}

func (a *AuxNameOffset) String() string {}

func (a *AuxNameOffset) FrameOffset() int64 {}

type AuxCall

// Reg returns the regInfo for a given call, combining the derived in/out register masks
// with the machine-specific register information in the input i.  (The machine-specific
// regInfo is much handier at the call site than it is when the AuxCall is being constructed,
// therefore do this lazily).
// TODO: there is a Clever Hack that allows pre-generation of a small-ish number of the slices
// of inputInfo and outputInfo used here, provided that we are willing to reorder the inputs
// and outputs from calls, so that all integer registers come first, then all floating registers.
// At this point (active development of register ABI) that is very premature,
// but if this turns out to be a cost, we could do it.
func (a *AuxCall) Reg(i *regInfo, c *Config) *regInfo {}

func (a *AuxCall) ABI() *abi.ABIConfig {}

func (a *AuxCall) ABIInfo() *abi.ABIParamResultInfo {}

func (a *AuxCall) ResultReg(c *Config) *regInfo {}

// For ABI register index r, returns the (dense) register number used in
// SSA backend.
func archRegForAbiReg(r abi.RegIndex, c *Config) uint8 {}

// For ABI register index r, returns the register number used in the obj
// package (assembler).
func ObjRegForAbiReg(r abi.RegIndex, c *Config) int16 {}

// ArgWidth returns the amount of stack needed for all the inputs
// and outputs of a function or method, including ABI-defined parameter
// slots and ABI-defined spill slots for register-resident parameters.
// The name is taken from the types package's ArgWidth(<function type>),
// which predated changes to the ABI; this version handles those changes.
func (a *AuxCall) ArgWidth() int64 {}

// ParamAssignmentForResult returns the ABI Parameter assignment for result which (indexed 0, 1, etc).
func (a *AuxCall) ParamAssignmentForResult(which int64) *abi.ABIParamAssignment {}

// OffsetOfResult returns the SP offset of result which (indexed 0, 1, etc).
func (a *AuxCall) OffsetOfResult(which int64) int64 {}

// OffsetOfArg returns the SP offset of argument which (indexed 0, 1, etc).
// If the call is to a method, the receiver is the first argument (i.e., index 0)
func (a *AuxCall) OffsetOfArg(which int64) int64 {}

// RegsOfResult returns the register(s) used for result which (indexed 0, 1, etc).
func (a *AuxCall) RegsOfResult(which int64) []abi.RegIndex {}

// RegsOfArg returns the register(s) used for argument which (indexed 0, 1, etc).
// If the call is to a method, the receiver is the first argument (i.e., index 0)
func (a *AuxCall) RegsOfArg(which int64) []abi.RegIndex {}

// NameOfResult returns the ir.Name of result which (indexed 0, 1, etc).
func (a *AuxCall) NameOfResult(which int64) *ir.Name {}

// TypeOfResult returns the type of result which (indexed 0, 1, etc).
func (a *AuxCall) TypeOfResult(which int64) *types.Type {}

// TypeOfArg returns the type of argument which (indexed 0, 1, etc).
// If the call is to a method, the receiver is the first argument (i.e., index 0)
func (a *AuxCall) TypeOfArg(which int64) *types.Type {}

// SizeOfResult returns the size of result which (indexed 0, 1, etc).
func (a *AuxCall) SizeOfResult(which int64) int64 {}

// SizeOfArg returns the size of argument which (indexed 0, 1, etc).
// If the call is to a method, the receiver is the first argument (i.e., index 0)
func (a *AuxCall) SizeOfArg(which int64) int64 {}

// NResults returns the number of results.
func (a *AuxCall) NResults() int64 {}

// LateExpansionResultType returns the result type (including trailing mem)
// for a call that will be expanded later in the SSA phase.
func (a *AuxCall) LateExpansionResultType() *types.Type {}

// NArgs returns the number of arguments (including receiver, if there is one).
func (a *AuxCall) NArgs() int64 {}

// String returns "AuxCall{<fn>}"
func (a *AuxCall) String() string {}

// StaticAuxCall returns an AuxCall for a static call.
func StaticAuxCall(sym *obj.LSym, paramResultInfo *abi.ABIParamResultInfo) *AuxCall {}

// InterfaceAuxCall returns an AuxCall for an interface call.
func InterfaceAuxCall(paramResultInfo *abi.ABIParamResultInfo) *AuxCall {}

// ClosureAuxCall returns an AuxCall for a closure call.
func ClosureAuxCall(paramResultInfo *abi.ABIParamResultInfo) *AuxCall {}

func (*AuxCall) CanBeAnSSAAux() {}

// OwnAuxCall returns a function's own AuxCall.
func OwnAuxCall(fn *obj.LSym, paramResultInfo *abi.ABIParamResultInfo) *AuxCall {}

const auxNone

const auxBool

const auxInt8

const auxInt16

const auxInt32

const auxInt64

const auxInt128

const auxUInt8

const auxFloat32

const auxFloat64

const auxFlagConstant

const auxCCop

const auxNameOffsetInt8

const auxString

const auxSym

const auxSymOff

const auxSymValAndOff

const auxTyp

const auxTypSize

const auxCall

const auxCallOff

const auxARM64BitField

const auxS390XRotateParams

const auxS390XCCMask

const auxS390XCCMaskInt8

const auxS390XCCMaskUint8

type SymEffect

const SymRead

const SymWrite

const SymAddr

const SymRdWr

const SymNone

type Sym

type ValAndOff

func (x ValAndOff) Val() int32   {}

func (x ValAndOff) Val64() int64 {}

func (x ValAndOff) Val16() int16 {}

func (x ValAndOff) Val8() int8   {}

func (x ValAndOff) Off64() int64 {}

func (x ValAndOff) Off() int32   {}

func (x ValAndOff) String() string {}

// validVal reports whether the value can be used
// as an argument to makeValAndOff.
func validVal(val int64) bool {}

func makeValAndOff(val, off int32) ValAndOff {}

func (x ValAndOff) canAdd32(off int32) bool {}

func (x ValAndOff) canAdd64(off int64) bool {}

func (x ValAndOff) addOffset32(off int32) ValAndOff {}

func (x ValAndOff) addOffset64(off int64) ValAndOff {}

type int128

type BoundsKind

const BoundsIndex

const BoundsIndexU

const BoundsSliceAlen

const BoundsSliceAlenU

const BoundsSliceAcap

const BoundsSliceAcapU

const BoundsSliceB

const BoundsSliceBU

const BoundsSlice3Alen

const BoundsSlice3AlenU

const BoundsSlice3Acap

const BoundsSlice3AcapU

const BoundsSlice3B

const BoundsSlice3BU

const BoundsSlice3C

const BoundsSlice3CU

const BoundsConvert

const BoundsKindCount

// boundsABI determines which register arguments a bounds check call should use. For an [a:b:c] slice, we do:
//	CMPQ c, cap
//	JA   fail1
//	CMPQ b, c
//	JA   fail2
//	CMPQ a, b
//	JA   fail3
// fail1: CALL panicSlice3Acap (c, cap)
// fail2: CALL panicSlice3B (b, c)
// fail3: CALL panicSlice3C (a, b)
// When we register allocate that code, we want the same register to be used for
// the first arg of panicSlice3Acap and the second arg to panicSlice3B. That way,
// initializing that register once will satisfy both calls.
// That desire ends up dividing the set of bounds check calls into 3 sets. This function
// determines which set to use for a given panic call.
// The first arg for set 0 should be the second arg for set 1.
// The first arg for set 1 should be the second arg for set 2.
func boundsABI(b int64) int {}

type arm64BitField