
var debugPoset

const uintSize

type bitset

func newBitset(n int) bitset {}

func (bs bitset) Reset() {}

func (bs bitset) Set(idx uint32) {}

func (bs bitset) Clear(idx uint32) {}

func (bs bitset) Test(idx uint32) bool {}

type undoType

const undoInvalid

const undoCheckpoint

const undoSetChl

const undoSetChr

const undoNonEqual

const undoNewNode

const undoAliasNode

const undoNewRoot

const undoChangeRoot

const undoMergeRoot

type posetUndo

const posetFlagUnsigned

type posetEdge

func newedge(t uint32, strict bool) posetEdge {}

func (e posetEdge) Target() uint32 {}

func (e posetEdge) Strict() bool   {}

func (e posetEdge) String() string {}

type posetNode

type poset

func newPoset() *poset {}

func (po *poset) SetUnsigned(uns bool) {}

// Handle children
func (po *poset) setchl(i uint32, l posetEdge) {}

func (po *poset) setchr(i uint32, r posetEdge) {}

func (po *poset) chl(i uint32) uint32          {}

func (po *poset) chr(i uint32) uint32          {}

func (po *poset) children(i uint32) (posetEdge, posetEdge) {}

// upush records a new undo step. It can be used for simple
// undo passes that record up to one index and one edge.
func (po *poset) upush(typ undoType, p uint32, e posetEdge) {}

// upushnew pushes an undo pass for a new node
func (po *poset) upushnew(id ID, idx uint32) {}

// upushneq pushes a new undo pass for a nonequal relation
func (po *poset) upushneq(idx1 uint32, idx2 uint32) {}

// upushalias pushes a new undo pass for aliasing two nodes
func (po *poset) upushalias(id ID, i2 uint32) {}

// addchild adds i2 as direct child of i1.
func (po *poset) addchild(i1, i2 uint32, strict bool) {}

// newnode allocates a new node bound to SSA value n.
// If n is nil, this is an extra node (= only used internally).
func (po *poset) newnode(n *Value) uint32 {}

// lookup searches for a SSA value into the forest of DAGS, and return its node.
func (po *poset) lookup(n *Value) (uint32, bool) {}

// aliasnewnode records that a single node n2 (not in the poset yet) is an alias
// of the master node n1.
func (po *poset) aliasnewnode(n1, n2 *Value) {}

// aliasnodes records that all the nodes i2s are aliases of a single master node n1.
// aliasnodes takes care of rearranging the DAG, changing references of parent/children
// of nodes in i2s, so that they point to n1 instead.
// Complexity is O(n) (with n being the total number of nodes in the poset, not just
// the number of nodes being aliased).
func (po *poset) aliasnodes(n1 *Value, i2s bitset) {}

func (po *poset) isroot(r uint32) bool {}

func (po *poset) changeroot(oldr, newr uint32) {}

func (po *poset) removeroot(r uint32) {}

// dfs performs a depth-first search within the DAG whose root is r.
// f is the visit function called for each node; if it returns true,
// the search is aborted and true is returned. The root node is
// visited too.
// If strict, ignore edges across a path until at least one
// strict edge is found. For instance, for a chain A<=B<=C<D<=E<F,
// a strict walk visits D,E,F.
// If the visit ends, false is returned.
func (po *poset) dfs(r uint32, strict bool, f func(i uint32) bool) bool {}

// Returns true if there is a path from i1 to i2.
// If strict ==  true: if the function returns true, then i1 <  i2.
// If strict == false: if the function returns true, then i1 <= i2.
// If the function returns false, no relation is known.
func (po *poset) reaches(i1, i2 uint32, strict bool) bool {}

// findroot finds i's root, that is which DAG contains i.
// Returns the root; if i is itself a root, it is returned.
// Panic if i is not in any DAG.
func (po *poset) findroot(i uint32) uint32 {}

// mergeroot merges two DAGs into one DAG by creating a new extra root
func (po *poset) mergeroot(r1, r2 uint32) uint32 {}

// collapsepath marks n1 and n2 as equal and collapses as equal all
// nodes across all paths between n1 and n2. If a strict edge is
// found, the function does not modify the DAG and returns false.
// Complexity is O(n).
func (po *poset) collapsepath(n1, n2 *Value) bool {}

// findpaths is a recursive function that calculates all paths from cur to dst
// and return them as a bitset (the index of a node is set in the bitset if
// that node is on at least one path from cur to dst).
// We do a DFS from cur (stopping going deep any time we reach dst, if ever),
// and mark as part of the paths any node that has a children which is already
// part of the path (or is dst itself).
func (po *poset) findpaths(cur, dst uint32) bitset {}

func (po *poset) findpaths1(cur, dst uint32, seen bitset, path bitset) {}

// Check whether it is recorded that i1!=i2
func (po *poset) isnoneq(i1, i2 uint32) bool {}

// Record that i1!=i2
func (po *poset) setnoneq(n1, n2 *Value) {}

// CheckIntegrity verifies internal integrity of a poset. It is intended
// for debugging purposes.
func (po *poset) CheckIntegrity() {}

// CheckEmpty checks that a poset is completely empty.
// It can be used for debugging purposes, as a poset is supposed to
// be empty after it's fully rolled back through Undo.
func (po *poset) CheckEmpty() error {}

// DotDump dumps the poset in graphviz format to file fn, with the specified title.
func (po *poset) DotDump(fn string, title string) error {}

// Ordered reports whether n1<n2. It returns false either when it is
// certain that n1<n2 is false, or if there is not enough information
// to tell.
// Complexity is O(n).
func (po *poset) Ordered(n1, n2 *Value) bool {}

// OrderedOrEqual reports whether n1<=n2. It returns false either when it is
// certain that n1<=n2 is false, or if there is not enough information
// to tell.
// Complexity is O(n).
func (po *poset) OrderedOrEqual(n1, n2 *Value) bool {}

// Equal reports whether n1==n2. It returns false either when it is
// certain that n1==n2 is false, or if there is not enough information
// to tell.
// Complexity is O(1).
func (po *poset) Equal(n1, n2 *Value) bool {}

// NonEqual reports whether n1!=n2. It returns false either when it is
// certain that n1!=n2 is false, or if there is not enough information
// to tell.
// Complexity is O(n) (because it internally calls Ordered to see if we
// can infer n1!=n2 from n1<n2 or n2<n1).
func (po *poset) NonEqual(n1, n2 *Value) bool {}

// setOrder records that n1<n2 or n1<=n2 (depending on strict). Returns false
// if this is a contradiction.
// Implements SetOrder() and SetOrderOrEqual()
func (po *poset) setOrder(n1, n2 *Value, strict bool) bool {}

// SetOrder records that n1<n2. Returns false if this is a contradiction
// Complexity is O(1) if n2 was never seen before, or O(n) otherwise.
func (po *poset) SetOrder(n1, n2 *Value) bool {}

// SetOrderOrEqual records that n1<=n2. Returns false if this is a contradiction
// Complexity is O(1) if n2 was never seen before, or O(n) otherwise.
func (po *poset) SetOrderOrEqual(n1, n2 *Value) bool {}

// SetEqual records that n1==n2. Returns false if this is a contradiction
// (that is, if it is already recorded that n1<n2 or n2<n1).
// Complexity is O(1) if n2 was never seen before, or O(n) otherwise.
func (po *poset) SetEqual(n1, n2 *Value) bool {}

// SetNonEqual records that n1!=n2. Returns false if this is a contradiction
// (that is, if it is already recorded that n1==n2).
// Complexity is O(n).
func (po *poset) SetNonEqual(n1, n2 *Value) bool {}

// Checkpoint saves the current state of the DAG so that it's possible
// to later undo this state.
// Complexity is O(1).
func (po *poset) Checkpoint() {}

// Undo restores the state of the poset to the previous checkpoint.
// Complexity depends on the type of operations that were performed
// since the last checkpoint; each Set* operation creates an undo
// pass which Undo has to revert with a worst-case complexity of O(n).
func (po *poset) Undo() {}