
const moveSpills

const logSpills

const regDebug

const stackDebug

const likelyDistance

const normalDistance

const unlikelyDistance

// regalloc performs register allocation on f. It sets f.RegAlloc
// to the resulting allocation.
func regalloc(f *Func) {}

type register

const noRegister

var noRegisters

type regMask

func (m regMask) String() string {}

func (s *regAllocState) RegMaskString(m regMask) string {}

// countRegs returns the number of set bits in the register mask.
func countRegs(r regMask) int {}

// pickReg picks an arbitrary register from the register mask.
func pickReg(r regMask) register {}

type use

type valState

type regState

type regAllocState

type endReg

type startReg

// freeReg frees up register r. Any current user of r is kicked out.
func (s *regAllocState) freeReg(r register) {}

// freeRegs frees up all registers listed in m.
func (s *regAllocState) freeRegs(m regMask) {}

// clobberRegs inserts instructions that clobber registers listed in m.
func (s *regAllocState) clobberRegs(m regMask) {}

// setOrig records that c's original value is the same as
// v's original value.
func (s *regAllocState) setOrig(c *Value, v *Value) {}

// assignReg assigns register r to hold c, a copy of v.
// r must be unused.
func (s *regAllocState) assignReg(r register, v *Value, c *Value) {}

// allocReg chooses a register from the set of registers in mask.
// If there is no unused register, a Value will be kicked out of
// a register to make room.
func (s *regAllocState) allocReg(mask regMask, v *Value) register {}

// makeSpill returns a Value which represents the spilled value of v.
// b is the block in which the spill is used.
func (s *regAllocState) makeSpill(v *Value, b *Block) *Value {}

// allocValToReg allocates v to a register selected from regMask and
// returns the register copy of v. Any previous user is kicked out and spilled
// (if necessary). Load code is added at the current pc. If nospill is set the
// allocated register is marked nospill so the assignment cannot be
// undone until the caller allows it by clearing nospill. Returns a
// *Value which is either v or a copy of v allocated to the chosen register.
func (s *regAllocState) allocValToReg(v *Value, mask regMask, nospill bool, pos src.XPos) *Value {}

// isLeaf reports whether f performs any calls.
func isLeaf(f *Func) bool {}

// needRegister reports whether v needs a register.
func (v *Value) needRegister() bool {}

func (s *regAllocState) init(f *Func) {}

func (s *regAllocState) close() {}

// Adds a use record for id at distance dist from the start of the block.
// All calls to addUse must happen with nonincreasing dist.
func (s *regAllocState) addUse(id ID, dist int32, pos src.XPos) {}

// advanceUses advances the uses of v's args from the state before v to the state after v.
// Any values which have no more uses are deallocated from registers.
func (s *regAllocState) advanceUses(v *Value) {}

// Drop v from registers if it isn't used again, or its only uses are after
// a call instruction.
func (s *regAllocState) dropIfUnused(v *Value) {}

// liveAfterCurrentInstruction reports whether v is live after
// the current instruction is completed.  v must be used by the
// current instruction.
func (s *regAllocState) liveAfterCurrentInstruction(v *Value) bool {}

// Sets the state of the registers to that encoded in regs.
func (s *regAllocState) setState(regs []endReg) {}

// compatRegs returns the set of registers which can store a type t.
func (s *regAllocState) compatRegs(t *types.Type) regMask {}

// regspec returns the regInfo for operation op.
func (s *regAllocState) regspec(v *Value) regInfo {}

func (s *regAllocState) isGReg(r register) bool {}

var tmpVal

func (s *regAllocState) regalloc(f *Func) {}

func (s *regAllocState) placeSpills() {}

// shuffle fixes up all the merge edges (those going into blocks of indegree > 1).
func (s *regAllocState) shuffle(stacklive [][]ID) {}

type edgeState

type contentRecord

type dstRecord

// setup initializes the edge state for shuffling.
func (e *edgeState) setup(idx int, srcReg []endReg, dstReg []startReg, stacklive []ID) {}

// process generates code to move all the values to the right destination locations.
func (e *edgeState) process() {}

// processDest generates code to put value vid into location loc. Returns true
// if progress was made.
func (e *edgeState) processDest(loc Location, vid ID, splice **Value, pos src.XPos) bool {}

// set changes the contents of location loc to hold the given value and its cached representative.
func (e *edgeState) set(loc Location, vid ID, c *Value, final bool, pos src.XPos) {}

// erase removes any user of loc.
func (e *edgeState) erase(loc Location) {}

// findRegFor finds a register we can use to make a temp copy of type typ.
func (e *edgeState) findRegFor(typ *types.Type) Location {}

// rematerializeable reports whether the register allocator should recompute
// a value instead of spilling/restoring it.
func (v *Value) rematerializeable() bool {}

type liveInfo

// computeLive computes a map from block ID to a list of value IDs live at the end
// of that block. Together with the value ID is a count of how many instructions
// to the next use of that value. The resulting map is stored in s.live.
// computeLive also computes the desired register information at the end of each block.
// This desired register information is stored in s.desired.
// TODO: this could be quadratic if lots of variables are live across lots of
// basic blocks. Figure out a way to make this function (or, more precisely, the user
// of this function) require only linear size & time.
func (s *regAllocState) computeLive() {}

type desiredState

type desiredStateEntry

func (d *desiredState) clear() {}

// get returns a list of desired registers for value vid.
func (d *desiredState) get(vid ID) [4]register {}

// add records that we'd like value vid to be in register r.
func (d *desiredState) add(vid ID, r register) {}

func (d *desiredState) addList(vid ID, regs [4]register) {}

// clobber erases any desired registers in the set m.
func (d *desiredState) clobber(m regMask) {}

// copy copies a desired state from another desiredState x.
func (d *desiredState) copy(x *desiredState) {}

// remove removes the desired registers for vid and returns them.
func (d *desiredState) remove(vid ID) [4]register {}

// merge merges another desired state x into d.
func (d *desiredState) merge(x *desiredState) {}