
type sparseEntryPos

type sparseMapPos

// newSparseMapPos returns a sparseMapPos that can map
// integers between 0 and n-1 to the pair <int32,src.XPos>.
func newSparseMapPos(n int) *sparseMapPos {}

func (s *sparseMapPos) cap() int {}

func (s *sparseMapPos) size() int {}

func (s *sparseMapPos) contains(k ID) bool {}

// get returns the value for key k, or -1 if k does
// not appear in the map.
func (s *sparseMapPos) get(k ID) int32 {}

func (s *sparseMapPos) set(k ID, v int32, a src.XPos) {}

func (s *sparseMapPos) remove(k ID) {}

func (s *sparseMapPos) clear() {}

func (s *sparseMapPos) contents() []sparseEntryPos {}