
func EnableNoWriteBarrierRecCheck() {}

func NoWriteBarrierRecCheck() {}

var nowritebarrierrecCheck

type nowritebarrierrecChecker

type nowritebarrierrecCall

// newNowritebarrierrecChecker creates a nowritebarrierrecChecker. It
// must be called before walk.
func newNowritebarrierrecChecker() *nowritebarrierrecChecker {}

func (c *nowritebarrierrecChecker) findExtraCalls(nn ir.Node) {}

// recordCall records a call from ODCLFUNC node "from", to function
// symbol "to" at position pos.
// This should be done as late as possible during compilation to
// capture precise call graphs. The target of the call is an LSym
// because that's all we know after we start SSA.
// This can be called concurrently for different from Nodes.
func (c *nowritebarrierrecChecker) recordCall(fn *ir.Func, to *obj.LSym, pos src.XPos) {}

func (c *nowritebarrierrecChecker) check() {}