
var ssaConfig

var ssaCaches

var ssaDump

var ssaDir

var ssaDumpStdout

var ssaDumpCFG

const ssaDumpFile

var ssaDumpInlined

func DumpInline(fn *ir.Func) {}

func InitEnv() {}

func InitConfig() {}

func InitTables() {}

// AbiForBodylessFuncStackMap returns the ABI for a bodyless function's stack map.
// This is not necessarily the ABI used to call it.
// Currently (1.17 dev) such a stack map is always ABI0;
// any ABI wrapper that is present is nosplit, hence a precise
// stack map is not needed there (the parameters survive only long
// enough to call the wrapped assembly function).
// This always returns a freshly copied ABI.
func AbiForBodylessFuncStackMap(fn *ir.Func) *abi.ABIConfig {}

// abiForFunc implements ABI policy for a function, but does not return a copy of the ABI.
// Passing a nil function returns the default ABI based on experiment configuration.
func abiForFunc(fn *ir.Func, abi0, abi1 *abi.ABIConfig) *abi.ABIConfig {}

// emitOpenDeferInfo emits FUNCDATA information about the defers in a function
// that is using open-coded defers.  This funcdata is used to determine the active
// defers in a function and execute those defers during panic processing.
// The funcdata is all encoded in varints (since values will almost always be less than
// 128, but stack offsets could potentially be up to 2Gbyte). All "locations" (offsets)
// for stack variables are specified as the number of bytes below varp (pointer to the
// top of the local variables) for their starting address. The format is:
//   - Offset of the deferBits variable
//   - Offset of the first closure slot (the rest are laid out consecutively).
func (s *state) emitOpenDeferInfo() {}

// buildssa builds an SSA function for fn.
// worker indicates which of the backend workers is doing the processing.
func buildssa(fn *ir.Func, worker int, isPgoHot bool) *ssa.Func {}

func (s *state) storeParameterRegsToStack(abi *abi.ABIConfig, paramAssignment *abi.ABIParamAssignment, n *ir.Name, addr *ssa.Value, pointersOnly bool) {}

// zeroResults zeros the return values at the start of the function.
// We need to do this very early in the function.  Defer might stop a
// panic and show the return values as they exist at the time of
// panic.  For precise stacks, the garbage collector assumes results
// are always live, so we need to zero them before any allocations,
// even allocations to move params/results to the heap.
func (s *state) zeroResults() {}

// paramsToHeap produces code to allocate memory for heap-escaped parameters
// and to copy non-result parameters' values from the stack.
func (s *state) paramsToHeap() {}

// newHeapaddr allocates heap memory for n and sets its heap address.
func (s *state) newHeapaddr(n *ir.Name) {}

// setHeapaddr allocates a new PAUTO variable to store ptr (which must be non-nil)
// and then sets it as n's heap address.
func (s *state) setHeapaddr(pos src.XPos, n *ir.Name, ptr *ssa.Value) {}

// newObject returns an SSA value denoting new(typ).
func (s *state) newObject(typ *types.Type, rtype *ssa.Value) *ssa.Value {}

func (s *state) checkPtrAlignment(n *ir.ConvExpr, v *ssa.Value, count *ssa.Value) {}

// reflectType returns an SSA value representing a pointer to typ's
// reflection type descriptor.
func (s *state) reflectType(typ *types.Type) *ssa.Value {}

func dumpSourcesColumn(writer *ssa.HTMLWriter, fn *ir.Func) {}

func readFuncLines(file string, start, end uint) (*ssa.FuncLines, error) {}

// updateUnsetPredPos propagates the earliest-value position information for b
// towards all of b's predecessors that need a position, and recurs on that
// predecessor if its position is updated. B should have a non-empty position.
func (s *state) updateUnsetPredPos(b *ssa.Block) {}

type openDeferInfo

type state

type funcLine

type ssaLabel

// label returns the label associated with sym, creating it if necessary.
func (s *state) label(sym *types.Sym) *ssaLabel {}

func (s *state) Logf(msg string, args ...interface{}

func (s *state) Log() bool                            {}

func (s *state) Fatalf(msg string, args ...interface{}

func (s *state) Warnl(pos src.XPos, msg string, args ...interface{}

func (s *state) Debug_checknil() bool                                {}

func ssaMarker(name string) *ir.Name {}

var memVar

var ptrVar

var lenVar

var capVar

var typVar

var okVar

var deferBitsVar

var hashVar

// startBlock sets the current block we're generating code in to b.
func (s *state) startBlock(b *ssa.Block) {}

// endBlock marks the end of generating code for the current block.
// Returns the (former) current block. Returns nil if there is no current
// block, i.e. if no code flows to the current execution point.
func (s *state) endBlock() *ssa.Block {}

// pushLine pushes a line number on the line number stack.
func (s *state) pushLine(line src.XPos) {}

// popLine pops the top of the line number stack.
func (s *state) popLine() {}

// peekPos peeks the top of the line number stack.
func (s *state) peekPos() src.XPos {}

// newValue0 adds a new value with no arguments to the current block.
func (s *state) newValue0(op ssa.Op, t *types.Type) *ssa.Value {}

// newValue0A adds a new value with no arguments and an aux value to the current block.
func (s *state) newValue0A(op ssa.Op, t *types.Type, aux ssa.Aux) *ssa.Value {}

// newValue0I adds a new value with no arguments and an auxint value to the current block.
func (s *state) newValue0I(op ssa.Op, t *types.Type, auxint int64) *ssa.Value {}

// newValue1 adds a new value with one argument to the current block.
func (s *state) newValue1(op ssa.Op, t *types.Type, arg *ssa.Value) *ssa.Value {}

// newValue1A adds a new value with one argument and an aux value to the current block.
func (s *state) newValue1A(op ssa.Op, t *types.Type, aux ssa.Aux, arg *ssa.Value) *ssa.Value {}

// newValue1Apos adds a new value with one argument and an aux value to the current block.
// isStmt determines whether the created values may be a statement or not
// (i.e., false means never, yes means maybe).
func (s *state) newValue1Apos(op ssa.Op, t *types.Type, aux ssa.Aux, arg *ssa.Value, isStmt bool) *ssa.Value {}

// newValue1I adds a new value with one argument and an auxint value to the current block.
func (s *state) newValue1I(op ssa.Op, t *types.Type, aux int64, arg *ssa.Value) *ssa.Value {}

// newValue2 adds a new value with two arguments to the current block.
func (s *state) newValue2(op ssa.Op, t *types.Type, arg0, arg1 *ssa.Value) *ssa.Value {}

// newValue2A adds a new value with two arguments and an aux value to the current block.
func (s *state) newValue2A(op ssa.Op, t *types.Type, aux ssa.Aux, arg0, arg1 *ssa.Value) *ssa.Value {}

// newValue2Apos adds a new value with two arguments and an aux value to the current block.
// isStmt determines whether the created values may be a statement or not
// (i.e., false means never, yes means maybe).
func (s *state) newValue2Apos(op ssa.Op, t *types.Type, aux ssa.Aux, arg0, arg1 *ssa.Value, isStmt bool) *ssa.Value {}

// newValue2I adds a new value with two arguments and an auxint value to the current block.
func (s *state) newValue2I(op ssa.Op, t *types.Type, aux int64, arg0, arg1 *ssa.Value) *ssa.Value {}

// newValue3 adds a new value with three arguments to the current block.
func (s *state) newValue3(op ssa.Op, t *types.Type, arg0, arg1, arg2 *ssa.Value) *ssa.Value {}

// newValue3I adds a new value with three arguments and an auxint value to the current block.
func (s *state) newValue3I(op ssa.Op, t *types.Type, aux int64, arg0, arg1, arg2 *ssa.Value) *ssa.Value {}

// newValue3A adds a new value with three arguments and an aux value to the current block.
func (s *state) newValue3A(op ssa.Op, t *types.Type, aux ssa.Aux, arg0, arg1, arg2 *ssa.Value) *ssa.Value {}

// newValue3Apos adds a new value with three arguments and an aux value to the current block.
// isStmt determines whether the created values may be a statement or not
// (i.e., false means never, yes means maybe).
func (s *state) newValue3Apos(op ssa.Op, t *types.Type, aux ssa.Aux, arg0, arg1, arg2 *ssa.Value, isStmt bool) *ssa.Value {}

// newValue4 adds a new value with four arguments to the current block.
func (s *state) newValue4(op ssa.Op, t *types.Type, arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3 *ssa.Value) *ssa.Value {}

// newValue4I adds a new value with four arguments and an auxint value to the current block.
func (s *state) newValue4I(op ssa.Op, t *types.Type, aux int64, arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3 *ssa.Value) *ssa.Value {}

func (s *state) entryBlock() *ssa.Block {}

// entryNewValue0 adds a new value with no arguments to the entry block.
func (s *state) entryNewValue0(op ssa.Op, t *types.Type) *ssa.Value {}

// entryNewValue0A adds a new value with no arguments and an aux value to the entry block.
func (s *state) entryNewValue0A(op ssa.Op, t *types.Type, aux ssa.Aux) *ssa.Value {}

// entryNewValue1 adds a new value with one argument to the entry block.
func (s *state) entryNewValue1(op ssa.Op, t *types.Type, arg *ssa.Value) *ssa.Value {}

// entryNewValue1I adds a new value with one argument and an auxint value to the entry block.
func (s *state) entryNewValue1I(op ssa.Op, t *types.Type, auxint int64, arg *ssa.Value) *ssa.Value {}

// entryNewValue1A adds a new value with one argument and an aux value to the entry block.
func (s *state) entryNewValue1A(op ssa.Op, t *types.Type, aux ssa.Aux, arg *ssa.Value) *ssa.Value {}

// entryNewValue2 adds a new value with two arguments to the entry block.
func (s *state) entryNewValue2(op ssa.Op, t *types.Type, arg0, arg1 *ssa.Value) *ssa.Value {}

// entryNewValue2A adds a new value with two arguments and an aux value to the entry block.
func (s *state) entryNewValue2A(op ssa.Op, t *types.Type, aux ssa.Aux, arg0, arg1 *ssa.Value) *ssa.Value {}

// const* routines add a new const value to the entry block.
func (s *state) constSlice(t *types.Type) *ssa.Value {}

func (s *state) constInterface(t *types.Type) *ssa.Value {}

func (s *state) constNil(t *types.Type) *ssa.Value {}

func (s *state) constEmptyString(t *types.Type) *ssa.Value {}

func (s *state) constBool(c bool) *ssa.Value {}

func (s *state) constInt8(t *types.Type, c int8) *ssa.Value {}

func (s *state) constInt16(t *types.Type, c int16) *ssa.Value {}

func (s *state) constInt32(t *types.Type, c int32) *ssa.Value {}

func (s *state) constInt64(t *types.Type, c int64) *ssa.Value {}

func (s *state) constFloat32(t *types.Type, c float64) *ssa.Value {}

func (s *state) constFloat64(t *types.Type, c float64) *ssa.Value {}

func (s *state) constInt(t *types.Type, c int64) *ssa.Value {}

func (s *state) constOffPtrSP(t *types.Type, c int64) *ssa.Value {}

// newValueOrSfCall* are wrappers around newValue*, which may create a call to a
// soft-float runtime function instead (when emitting soft-float code).
func (s *state) newValueOrSfCall1(op ssa.Op, t *types.Type, arg *ssa.Value) *ssa.Value {}

func (s *state) newValueOrSfCall2(op ssa.Op, t *types.Type, arg0, arg1 *ssa.Value) *ssa.Value {}

type instrumentKind

const instrumentRead

const instrumentWrite

const instrumentMove

func (s *state) instrument(t *types.Type, addr *ssa.Value, kind instrumentKind) {}

// instrumentFields instruments a read/write operation on addr.
// If it is instrumenting for MSAN or ASAN and t is a struct type, it instruments
// operation for each field, instead of for the whole struct.
func (s *state) instrumentFields(t *types.Type, addr *ssa.Value, kind instrumentKind) {}

func (s *state) instrumentMove(t *types.Type, dst, src *ssa.Value) {}

func (s *state) instrument2(t *types.Type, addr, addr2 *ssa.Value, kind instrumentKind) {}

func (s *state) load(t *types.Type, src *ssa.Value) *ssa.Value {}

func (s *state) rawLoad(t *types.Type, src *ssa.Value) *ssa.Value {}

func (s *state) store(t *types.Type, dst, val *ssa.Value) {}

func (s *state) zero(t *types.Type, dst *ssa.Value) {}

func (s *state) move(t *types.Type, dst, src *ssa.Value) {}

func (s *state) moveWhichMayOverlap(t *types.Type, dst, src *ssa.Value, mayOverlap bool) {}

// stmtList converts the statement list n to SSA and adds it to s.
func (s *state) stmtList(l ir.Nodes) {}

// stmt converts the statement n to SSA and adds it to s.
func (s *state) stmt(n ir.Node) {}

const shareDeferExits

// exit processes any code that needs to be generated just before returning.
// It returns a BlockRet block that ends the control flow. Its control value
// will be set to the final memory state.
func (s *state) exit() *ssa.Block {}

type opAndType

var opToSSA

func (s *state) concreteEtype(t *types.Type) types.Kind {}

func (s *state) ssaOp(op ir.Op, t *types.Type) ssa.Op {}

type opAndTwoTypes

type twoTypes

type twoOpsAndType

var fpConvOpToSSA

var fpConvOpToSSA32

var uint64fpConvOpToSSA

var shiftOpToSSA

func (s *state) ssaShiftOp(op ir.Op, t *types.Type, u *types.Type) ssa.Op {}

func (s *state) uintptrConstant(v uint64) *ssa.Value {}

func (s *state) conv(n ir.Node, v *ssa.Value, ft, tt *types.Type) *ssa.Value {}

// expr converts the expression n to ssa, adds it to s and returns the ssa result.
func (s *state) expr(n ir.Node) *ssa.Value {}

func (s *state) exprCheckPtr(n ir.Node, checkPtrOK bool) *ssa.Value {}

func (s *state) resultOfCall(c *ssa.Value, which int64, t *types.Type) *ssa.Value {}

func (s *state) resultAddrOfCall(c *ssa.Value, which int64, t *types.Type) *ssa.Value {}

// append converts an OAPPEND node to SSA.
// If inplace is false, it converts the OAPPEND expression n to an ssa.Value,
// adds it to s, and returns the Value.
// If inplace is true, it writes the result of the OAPPEND expression n
// back to the slice being appended to, and returns nil.
// inplace MUST be set to false if the slice can be SSA'd.
// Note: this code only handles fixed-count appends. Dotdotdot appends
// have already been rewritten at this point (by walk).
func (s *state) append(n *ir.CallExpr, inplace bool) *ssa.Value {}

// minMax converts an OMIN/OMAX builtin call into SSA.
func (s *state) minMax(n *ir.CallExpr) *ssa.Value {}

// ternary emits code to evaluate cond ? x : y.
func (s *state) ternary(cond, x, y *ssa.Value) *ssa.Value {}

// condBranch evaluates the boolean expression cond and branches to yes
// if cond is true and no if cond is false.
// This function is intended to handle && and || better than just calling
// s.expr(cond) and branching on the result.
func (s *state) condBranch(cond ir.Node, yes, no *ssa.Block, likely int8) {}

type skipMask

const skipPtr

const skipLen

const skipCap

// assign does left = right.
// Right has already been evaluated to ssa, left has not.
// If deref is true, then we do left = *right instead (and right has already been nil-checked).
// If deref is true and right == nil, just do left = 0.
// skip indicates assignments (at the top level) that can be avoided.
// mayOverlap indicates whether left&right might partially overlap in memory. Default is false.
func (s *state) assign(left ir.Node, right *ssa.Value, deref bool, skip skipMask) {}

func (s *state) assignWhichMayOverlap(left ir.Node, right *ssa.Value, deref bool, skip skipMask, mayOverlap bool) {}

// zeroVal returns the zero value for type t.
func (s *state) zeroVal(t *types.Type) *ssa.Value {}

type callKind

const callNormal

const callDefer

const callDeferStack

const callGo

const callTail

type sfRtCallDef

var softFloatOps

func softfloatInit() {}

// TODO: do not emit sfcall if operation can be optimized to constant in later
// opt phase
func (s *state) sfcall(op ssa.Op, args ...*ssa.Value) (*ssa.Value, bool) {}

// split breaks up a tuple-typed value into its 2 parts.
func (s *state) split(v *ssa.Value) (*ssa.Value, *ssa.Value) {}

// intrinsicCall converts a call to a recognized intrinsic function into the intrinsic SSA operation.
func (s *state) intrinsicCall(n *ir.CallExpr) *ssa.Value {}

// intrinsicArgs extracts args from n, evaluates them to SSA values, and returns them.
func (s *state) intrinsicArgs(n *ir.CallExpr) []*ssa.Value {}

// openDeferRecord adds code to evaluate and store the function for an open-code defer
// call, and records info about the defer, so we can generate proper code on the
// exit paths. n is the sub-node of the defer node that is the actual function
// call. We will also record funcdata information on where the function is stored
// (as well as the deferBits variable), and this will enable us to run the proper
// defer calls during panics.
func (s *state) openDeferRecord(n *ir.CallExpr) {}

// openDeferSave generates SSA nodes to store a value (with type t) for an
// open-coded defer at an explicit autotmp location on the stack, so it can be
// reloaded and used for the appropriate call on exit. Type t must be a function type
// (therefore SSAable). val is the value to be stored. The function returns an SSA
// value representing a pointer to the autotmp location.
func (s *state) openDeferSave(t *types.Type, val *ssa.Value) *ssa.Value {}

// openDeferExit generates SSA for processing all the open coded defers at exit.
// The code involves loading deferBits, and checking each of the bits to see if
// the corresponding defer statement was executed. For each bit that is turned
// on, the associated defer call is made.
func (s *state) openDeferExit() {}

func (s *state) callResult(n *ir.CallExpr, k callKind) *ssa.Value {}

func (s *state) callAddr(n *ir.CallExpr, k callKind) *ssa.Value {}

// Calls the function n using the specified call type.
// Returns the address of the return value (or nil if none).
func (s *state) call(n *ir.CallExpr, k callKind, returnResultAddr bool, deferExtra ir.Expr) *ssa.Value {}

// maybeNilCheckClosure checks if a nil check of a closure is needed in some
// architecture-dependent situations and, if so, emits the nil check.
func (s *state) maybeNilCheckClosure(closure *ssa.Value, k callKind) {}

// getClosureAndRcvr returns values for the appropriate closure and receiver of an
// interface call
func (s *state) getClosureAndRcvr(fn *ir.SelectorExpr) (*ssa.Value, *ssa.Value) {}

// etypesign returns the signed-ness of e, for integer/pointer etypes.
// -1 means signed, +1 means unsigned, 0 means non-integer/non-pointer.
func etypesign(e types.Kind) int8 {}

// addr converts the address of the expression n to SSA, adds it to s and returns the SSA result.
// The value that the returned Value represents is guaranteed to be non-nil.
func (s *state) addr(n ir.Node) *ssa.Value {}

// canSSA reports whether n is SSA-able.
// n must be an ONAME (or an ODOT sequence with an ONAME base).
func (s *state) canSSA(n ir.Node) bool {}

func (s *state) canSSAName(name *ir.Name) bool {}

// exprPtr evaluates n to a pointer and nil-checks it.
func (s *state) exprPtr(n ir.Node, bounded bool, lineno src.XPos) *ssa.Value {}

// nilCheck generates nil pointer checking code.
// Used only for automatically inserted nil checks,
// not for user code like 'x != nil'.
// Returns a "definitely not nil" copy of x to ensure proper ordering
// of the uses of the post-nilcheck pointer.
func (s *state) nilCheck(ptr *ssa.Value) *ssa.Value {}

// boundsCheck generates bounds checking code. Checks if 0 <= idx <[=] len, branches to exit if not.
// Starts a new block on return.
// On input, len must be converted to full int width and be nonnegative.
// Returns idx converted to full int width.
// If bounded is true then caller guarantees the index is not out of bounds
// (but boundsCheck will still extend the index to full int width).
func (s *state) boundsCheck(idx, len *ssa.Value, kind ssa.BoundsKind, bounded bool) *ssa.Value {}

// If cmp (a bool) is false, panic using the given function.
func (s *state) check(cmp *ssa.Value, fn *obj.LSym) {}

func (s *state) intDivide(n ir.Node, a, b *ssa.Value) *ssa.Value {}

// rtcall issues a call to the given runtime function fn with the listed args.
// Returns a slice of results of the given result types.
// The call is added to the end of the current block.
// If returns is false, the block is marked as an exit block.
func (s *state) rtcall(fn *obj.LSym, returns bool, results []*types.Type, args ...*ssa.Value) []*ssa.Value {}

// do *left = right for type t.
func (s *state) storeType(t *types.Type, left, right *ssa.Value, skip skipMask, leftIsStmt bool) {}

// do *left = right for all scalar (non-pointer) parts of t.
func (s *state) storeTypeScalars(t *types.Type, left, right *ssa.Value, skip skipMask) {}

// do *left = right for all pointer parts of t.
func (s *state) storeTypePtrs(t *types.Type, left, right *ssa.Value) {}

// putArg evaluates n for the purpose of passing it as an argument to a function and returns the value for the call.
func (s *state) putArg(n ir.Node, t *types.Type) *ssa.Value {}

func (s *state) storeArgWithBase(n ir.Node, t *types.Type, base *ssa.Value, off int64) {}

// slice computes the slice v[i:j:k] and returns ptr, len, and cap of result.
// i,j,k may be nil, in which case they are set to their default value.
// v may be a slice, string or pointer to an array.
func (s *state) slice(v, i, j, k *ssa.Value, bounded bool) (p, l, c *ssa.Value) {}

type u642fcvtTab

var u64_f64

var u64_f32

func (s *state) uint64Tofloat64(n ir.Node, x *ssa.Value, ft, tt *types.Type) *ssa.Value {}

func (s *state) uint64Tofloat32(n ir.Node, x *ssa.Value, ft, tt *types.Type) *ssa.Value {}

func (s *state) uint64Tofloat(cvttab *u642fcvtTab, n ir.Node, x *ssa.Value, ft, tt *types.Type) *ssa.Value {}

type u322fcvtTab

var u32_f64

var u32_f32

func (s *state) uint32Tofloat64(n ir.Node, x *ssa.Value, ft, tt *types.Type) *ssa.Value {}

func (s *state) uint32Tofloat32(n ir.Node, x *ssa.Value, ft, tt *types.Type) *ssa.Value {}

func (s *state) uint32Tofloat(cvttab *u322fcvtTab, n ir.Node, x *ssa.Value, ft, tt *types.Type) *ssa.Value {}

// referenceTypeBuiltin generates code for the len/cap builtins for maps and channels.
func (s *state) referenceTypeBuiltin(n *ir.UnaryExpr, x *ssa.Value) *ssa.Value {}

type f2uCvtTab

var f32_u64

var f64_u64

var f32_u32

var f64_u32

func (s *state) float32ToUint64(n ir.Node, x *ssa.Value, ft, tt *types.Type) *ssa.Value {}

func (s *state) float64ToUint64(n ir.Node, x *ssa.Value, ft, tt *types.Type) *ssa.Value {}

func (s *state) float32ToUint32(n ir.Node, x *ssa.Value, ft, tt *types.Type) *ssa.Value {}

func (s *state) float64ToUint32(n ir.Node, x *ssa.Value, ft, tt *types.Type) *ssa.Value {}

func (s *state) floatToUint(cvttab *f2uCvtTab, n ir.Node, x *ssa.Value, ft, tt *types.Type) *ssa.Value {}

// dottype generates SSA for a type assertion node.
// commaok indicates whether to panic or return a bool.
// If commaok is false, resok will be nil.
func (s *state) dottype(n *ir.TypeAssertExpr, commaok bool) (res, resok *ssa.Value) {}

func (s *state) dynamicDottype(n *ir.DynamicTypeAssertExpr, commaok bool) (res, resok *ssa.Value) {}

// dottype1 implements a x.(T) operation. iface is the argument (x), dst is the type we're asserting to (T)
// and src is the type we're asserting from.
// source is the *runtime._type of src
// target is the *runtime._type of dst.
// If src is a nonempty interface and dst is not an interface, targetItab is an itab representing (dst, src). Otherwise it is nil.
// commaok is true if the caller wants a boolean success value. Otherwise, the generated code panics if the conversion fails.
// descriptor is a compiler-allocated internal/abi.TypeAssert whose address is passed to runtime.typeAssert when
// the target type is a compile-time-known non-empty interface. It may be nil.
func (s *state) dottype1(pos src.XPos, src, dst *types.Type, iface, source, target, targetItab *ssa.Value, commaok bool, descriptor *obj.LSym) (res, resok *ssa.Value) {}

// temp allocates a temp of type t at position pos
func (s *state) temp(pos src.XPos, t *types.Type) (*ir.Name, *ssa.Value) {}

// variable returns the value of a variable at the current location.
func (s *state) variable(n ir.Node, t *types.Type) *ssa.Value {}

func (s *state) mem() *ssa.Value {}

func (s *state) addNamedValue(n *ir.Name, v *ssa.Value) {}

type Branch

type State

func (s *State) FuncInfo() *obj.FuncInfo {}

// Prog appends a new Prog.
func (s *State) Prog(as obj.As) *obj.Prog {}

// Pc returns the current Prog.
func (s *State) Pc() *obj.Prog {}

// SetPos sets the current source position.
func (s *State) SetPos(pos src.XPos) {}

// Br emits a single branch instruction and returns the instruction.
// Not all architectures need the returned instruction, but otherwise
// the boilerplate is common to all.
func (s *State) Br(op obj.As, target *ssa.Block) *obj.Prog {}

// DebugFriendlySetPosFrom adjusts Pos.IsStmt subject to heuristics
// that reduce "jumpy" line number churn when debugging.
// Spill/fill/copy instructions from the register allocator,
// phi functions, and instructions with a no-pos position
// are examples of instructions that can cause churn.
func (s *State) DebugFriendlySetPosFrom(v *ssa.Value) {}

// emit argument info (locations on stack) for traceback.
func emitArgInfo(e *ssafn, f *ssa.Func, pp *objw.Progs) {}

// emit argument info (locations on stack) of f for traceback.
func EmitArgInfo(f *ir.Func, abiInfo *abi.ABIParamResultInfo) *obj.LSym {}

// for wrapper, emit info of wrapped function.
func emitWrappedFuncInfo(e *ssafn, pp *objw.Progs) {}

// genssa appends entries to pp for each instruction in f.
func genssa(f *ssa.Func, pp *objw.Progs) {}

func defframe(s *State, e *ssafn, f *ssa.Func) {}

type IndexJump

func (s *State) oneJump(b *ssa.Block, jump *IndexJump) {}

// CombJump generates combinational instructions (2 at present) for a block jump,
// thereby the behaviour of non-standard condition codes could be simulated
func (s *State) CombJump(b, next *ssa.Block, jumps *[2][2]IndexJump) {}

// AddAux adds the offset in the aux fields (AuxInt and Aux) of v to a.
func AddAux(a *obj.Addr, v *ssa.Value) {}

func AddAux2(a *obj.Addr, v *ssa.Value, offset int64) {}

// extendIndex extends v to a full int width.
// panic with the given kind if v does not fit in an int (only on 32-bit archs).
func (s *state) extendIndex(idx, len *ssa.Value, kind ssa.BoundsKind, bounded bool) *ssa.Value {}

// CheckLoweredPhi checks that regalloc and stackalloc correctly handled phi values.
// Called during ssaGenValue.
func CheckLoweredPhi(v *ssa.Value) {}

// CheckLoweredGetClosurePtr checks that v is the first instruction in the function's entry block,
// except for incoming in-register arguments.
// The output of LoweredGetClosurePtr is generally hardwired to the correct register.
// That register contains the closure pointer on closure entry.
func CheckLoweredGetClosurePtr(v *ssa.Value) {}

// CheckArgReg ensures that v is in the function's entry block.
func CheckArgReg(v *ssa.Value) {}

func AddrAuto(a *obj.Addr, v *ssa.Value) {}

// Call returns a new CALL instruction for the SSA value v.
// It uses PrepareCall to prepare the call.
func (s *State) Call(v *ssa.Value) *obj.Prog {}

// TailCall returns a new tail call instruction for the SSA value v.
// It is like Call, but for a tail call.
func (s *State) TailCall(v *ssa.Value) *obj.Prog {}

// PrepareCall prepares to emit a CALL instruction for v and does call-related bookkeeping.
// It must be called immediately before emitting the actual CALL instruction,
// since it emits PCDATA for the stack map at the call (calls are safe points).
func (s *State) PrepareCall(v *ssa.Value) {}

// UseArgs records the fact that an instruction needs a certain amount of
// callee args space for its use.
func (s *State) UseArgs(n int64) {}

// fieldIdx finds the index of the field referred to by the ODOT node n.
func fieldIdx(n *ir.SelectorExpr) int {}

type ssafn

// StringData returns a symbol which
// is the data component of a global string constant containing s.
func (e *ssafn) StringData(s string) *obj.LSym {}

// SplitSlot returns a slot representing the data of parent starting at offset.
func (e *ssafn) SplitSlot(parent *ssa.LocalSlot, suffix string, offset int64, t *types.Type) ssa.LocalSlot {}

// Logf logs a message from the compiler.
func (e *ssafn) Logf(msg string, args ...interface{}

func (e *ssafn) Log() bool {}

// Fatalf reports a compiler error and exits.
func (e *ssafn) Fatalf(pos src.XPos, msg string, args ...interface{}

// Warnl reports a "warning", which is usually flag-triggered
// logging output for the benefit of tests.
func (e *ssafn) Warnl(pos src.XPos, fmt_ string, args ...interface{}

func (e *ssafn) Debug_checknil() bool {}

func (e *ssafn) UseWriteBarrier() bool {}

func (e *ssafn) Syslook(name string) *obj.LSym {}

func (e *ssafn) Func() *ir.Func {}

func clobberBase(n ir.Node) ir.Node {}

// callTargetLSym returns the correct LSym to call 'callee' using its ABI.
func callTargetLSym(callee *ir.Name) *obj.LSym {}

const deferStructFnField

var deferType

// deferstruct returns a type interchangeable with runtime._defer.
// Make sure this stays in sync with runtime/runtime2.go:_defer.
func deferstruct() *types.Type {}

// SpillSlotAddr uses LocalSlot information to initialize an obj.Addr
// The resulting addr is used in a non-standard context -- in the prologue
// of a function, before the frame has been constructed, so the standard
// addressing for the parameters will be wrong.
func SpillSlotAddr(spill ssa.Spill, baseReg int16, extraOffset int64) obj.Addr {}

var BoundsCheckFunc

var ExtendCheckFunc