
func AssignConv(n ir.Node, t *types.Type, context string) ir.Node {}

// LookupNum returns types.LocalPkg.LookupNum(prefix, n).
func LookupNum(prefix string, n int) *types.Sym {}

// Given funarg struct list, return list of fn args.
func NewFuncParams(origs []*types.Field) []*types.Field {}

// NodAddr returns a node representing &n at base.Pos.
func NodAddr(n ir.Node) *ir.AddrExpr {}

// NodAddrAt returns a node representing &n at position pos.
func NodAddrAt(pos src.XPos, n ir.Node) *ir.AddrExpr {}

// LinksymAddr returns a new expression that evaluates to the address
// of lsym. typ specifies the type of the addressed memory.
func LinksymAddr(pos src.XPos, lsym *obj.LSym, typ *types.Type) *ir.AddrExpr {}

func NodNil() ir.Node {}

// AddImplicitDots finds missing fields in obj.field that
// will give the shortest unique addressing and
// modifies the tree with missing field names.
func AddImplicitDots(n *ir.SelectorExpr) *ir.SelectorExpr {}

// CalcMethods calculates all the methods (including embedding) of a non-interface
// type t.
func CalcMethods(t *types.Type) {}

// adddot1 returns the number of fields or methods named s at depth d in Type t.
// If exactly one exists, it will be returned in *save (if save is not nil),
// and dotlist will contain the path of embedded fields traversed to find it,
// in reverse order. If none exist, more will indicate whether t contains any
// embedded fields at depth d, so callers can decide whether to retry at
// a greater depth.
func adddot1(s *types.Sym, t *types.Type, d int, save **types.Field, ignorecase bool) (c int, more bool) {}

var dotlist

// Convert node n for assignment to type t.
func assignconvfn(n ir.Node, t *types.Type, context func() string) ir.Node {}

// Is type src assignment compatible to type dst?
// If so, return op code to use in conversion.
// If not, return OXXX. In this case, the string return parameter may
// hold a reason why. In all other cases, it'll be the empty string.
func assignOp(src, dst *types.Type) (ir.Op, string) {}

// Can we convert a value of type src to a value of type dst?
// If so, return op code to use in conversion (maybe OCONVNOP).
// If not, return OXXX. In this case, the string return parameter may
// hold a reason why. In all other cases, it'll be the empty string.
// srcConstant indicates whether the value of type src is a constant.
func convertOp(srcConstant bool, src, dst *types.Type) (ir.Op, string) {}

type dlist

// dotpath computes the unique shortest explicit selector path to fully qualify
// a selection expression x.f, where x is of type t and f is the symbol s.
// If no such path exists, dotpath returns nil.
// If there are multiple shortest paths to the same depth, ambig is true.
func dotpath(s *types.Sym, t *types.Type, save **types.Field, ignorecase bool) (path []dlist, ambig bool) {}

func expand0(t *types.Type) {}

func expand1(t *types.Type, top bool) {}

func ifacelookdot(s *types.Sym, t *types.Type, ignorecase bool) *types.Field {}

// Implements reports whether t implements the interface iface. t can be
// an interface, a type parameter, or a concrete type.
func Implements(t, iface *types.Type) bool {}

// ImplementsExplain reports whether t implements the interface iface. t can be
// an interface, a type parameter, or a concrete type. If t does not implement
// iface, a non-empty string is returned explaining why.
func ImplementsExplain(t, iface *types.Type) string {}

// implements reports whether t implements the interface iface. t can be
// an interface, a type parameter, or a concrete type. If implements returns
// false, it stores a method of iface that is not implemented in *m. If the
// method name matches but the type is wrong, it additionally stores the type
// of the method (on t) in *samename.
func implements(t, iface *types.Type, m, samename **types.Field, ptr *int) bool {}

func isptrto(t *types.Type, et types.Kind) bool {}

// lookdot0 returns the number of fields or methods named s associated
// with Type t. If exactly one exists, it will be returned in *save
// (if save is not nil).
func lookdot0(s *types.Sym, t *types.Type, save **types.Field, ignorecase bool) int {}

var slist

type symlink