
var BuiltinPkg

var LocalPkg

var UnsafePkg

var BlankSym

var NumImport

type fmtMode

const fmtGo

const fmtDebug

const fmtTypeID

const fmtTypeIDName

// Format implements formatting for a Sym.
// The valid formats are:
//	%v	Go syntax: Name for symbols in the local package, PkgName.Name for imported symbols.
//	%+v	Debug syntax: always include PkgName. prefix even for local names.
//	%S	Short syntax: Name only, no matter what.
func (s *Sym) Format(f fmt.State, verb rune) {}

func (s *Sym) String() string {}

// See #16897 for details about performance implications
// before changing the implementation of sconv.
func sconv(s *Sym, verb rune, mode fmtMode) string {}

func sconv2(b *bytes.Buffer, s *Sym, verb rune, mode fmtMode) {}

func symfmt(b *bytes.Buffer, s *Sym, verb rune, mode fmtMode) {}

// pkgqual returns the qualifier that should be used for printing
// symbols from the given package in the given mode.
// If it returns the empty string, no qualification is needed.
func pkgqual(pkg *Pkg, verb rune, mode fmtMode) string {}

var BasicTypeNames

var fmtBufferPool

// Format implements formatting for a Type.
// The valid formats are:
//	%v	Go syntax
//	%+v	Debug syntax: Go syntax with a KIND- prefix for all but builtins.
//	%L	Go syntax for underlying type if t is named
//	%S	short Go syntax: drop leading "func" in function type
//	%-S	special case for method receiver symbol
func (t *Type) Format(s fmt.State, verb rune) {}

// String returns the Go syntax for the type t.
func (t *Type) String() string {}

// LinkString returns a string description of t, suitable for use in
// link symbols.
// The description corresponds to type identity. That is, for any pair
// of types t1 and t2, Identical(t1, t2) == (t1.LinkString() ==
// t2.LinkString()) is true. Thus it's safe to use as a map key to
// implement a type-identity-keyed map.
func (t *Type) LinkString() string {}

// NameString generates a user-readable, mostly unique string
// description of t. NameString always returns the same description
// for identical types, even across compilation units.
// NameString qualifies identifiers by package name, so it has
// collisions when different packages share the same names and
// identifiers. It also does not distinguish function-scope defined
// types from package-scoped defined types or from each other.
func (t *Type) NameString() string {}

func tconv(t *Type, verb rune, mode fmtMode) string {}

// tconv2 writes a string representation of t to b.
// flag and mode control exactly what is printed.
// Any types x that are already in the visited map get printed as @%d where %d=visited[x].
// See #16897 before changing the implementation of tconv.
func tconv2(b *bytes.Buffer, t *Type, verb rune, mode fmtMode, visited map[*Type]int) {}

func formatParams(b *bytes.Buffer, params []*Field, mode fmtMode, visited map[*Type]int) {}

func fldconv(b *bytes.Buffer, f *Field, verb rune, mode fmtMode, visited map[*Type]int, isParam bool) {}

// SplitVargenSuffix returns name split into a base string and a ·N
// suffix, if any.
func SplitVargenSuffix(name string) (base, suffix string) {}

// TypeHash computes a hash value for type t to use in type switch statements.
func TypeHash(t *Type) uint32 {}