
type Error

// Error returns an error string formatted as follows:
// filename:line:column: message
func (err Error) Error() string {}

// FullError returns an error string like Error, buy it may contain
// type-checker internal details such as subscript indices for type
// parameters and more. Useful for debugging.
func (err Error) FullError() string {}

type ArgumentError

func (e *ArgumentError) Error() string {}

func (e *ArgumentError) Unwrap() error {}

type Importer

type ImportMode

type ImporterFrom

type Config

func srcimporter_setUsesCgo(conf *Config) {}

type Info

func (info *Info) recordTypes() bool {}

// TypeOf returns the type of expression e, or nil if not found.
// Precondition 1: the Types map is populated or StoreTypesInSyntax is set.
// Precondition 2: Uses and Defs maps are populated.
func (info *Info) TypeOf(e syntax.Expr) Type {}

// ObjectOf returns the object denoted by the specified id,
// or nil if not found.
// If id is an embedded struct field, ObjectOf returns the field (*Var)
// it defines, not the type (*TypeName) it uses.
// Precondition: the Uses and Defs maps are populated.
func (info *Info) ObjectOf(id *syntax.Name) Object {}

// PkgNameOf returns the local package name defined by the import,
// or nil if not found.
// For dot-imports, the package name is ".".
// Precondition: the Defs and Implicts maps are populated.
func (info *Info) PkgNameOf(imp *syntax.ImportDecl) *PkgName {}

type TypeAndValue

// IsVoid reports whether the corresponding expression
// is a function call without results.
func (tv TypeAndValue) IsVoid() bool {}

// IsType reports whether the corresponding expression specifies a type.
func (tv TypeAndValue) IsType() bool {}

// IsBuiltin reports whether the corresponding expression denotes
// a (possibly parenthesized) built-in function.
func (tv TypeAndValue) IsBuiltin() bool {}

// IsValue reports whether the corresponding expression is a value.
// Builtins are not considered values. Constant values have a non-
// nil Value.
func (tv TypeAndValue) IsValue() bool {}

// IsNil reports whether the corresponding expression denotes the
// predeclared value nil. Depending on context, it may have been
// given a type different from UntypedNil.
func (tv TypeAndValue) IsNil() bool {}

// Addressable reports whether the corresponding expression
// is addressable (https://golang.org/ref/spec#Address_operators).
func (tv TypeAndValue) Addressable() bool {}

// Assignable reports whether the corresponding expression
// is assignable to (provided a value of the right type).
func (tv TypeAndValue) Assignable() bool {}

// HasOk reports whether the corresponding expression may be
// used on the rhs of a comma-ok assignment.
func (tv TypeAndValue) HasOk() bool {}

type Instance

type Initializer

func (init *Initializer) String() string {}

// Check type-checks a package and returns the resulting package object and
// the first error if any. Additionally, if info != nil, Check populates each
// of the non-nil maps in the Info struct.
// The package is marked as complete if no errors occurred, otherwise it is
// incomplete. See Config.Error for controlling behavior in the presence of
// errors.
// The package is specified by a list of *syntax.Files and corresponding
// file set, and the package path the package is identified with.
// The clean path must not be empty or dot (".").
func (conf *Config) Check(path string, files []*syntax.File, info *Info) (*Package, error) {}