
// assignment reports whether x can be assigned to a variable of type T,
// if necessary by attempting to convert untyped values to the appropriate
// type. context describes the context in which the assignment takes place.
// Use T == nil to indicate assignment to an untyped blank identifier.
// If the assignment check fails, x.mode is set to invalid.
func (check *Checker) assignment(x *operand, T Type, context string) {}

func (check *Checker) initConst(lhs *Const, x *operand) {}

// initVar checks the initialization lhs = x in a variable declaration.
// If lhs doesn't have a type yet, it is given the type of x,
// or Typ[Invalid] in case of an error.
// If the initialization check fails, x.mode is set to invalid.
func (check *Checker) initVar(lhs *Var, x *operand, context string) {}

// lhsVar checks a lhs variable in an assignment and returns its type.
// lhsVar takes care of not counting a lhs identifier as a "use" of
// that identifier. The result is nil if it is the blank identifier,
// and Typ[Invalid] if it is an invalid lhs expression.
func (check *Checker) lhsVar(lhs syntax.Expr) Type {}

// assignVar checks the assignment lhs = rhs (if x == nil), or lhs = x (if x != nil).
// If x != nil, it must be the evaluation of rhs (and rhs will be ignored).
// If the assignment check fails and x != nil, x.mode is set to invalid.
func (check *Checker) assignVar(lhs, rhs syntax.Expr, x *operand, context string) {}

// operandTypes returns the list of types for the given operands.
func operandTypes(list []*operand) (res []Type) {}

// varTypes returns the list of types for the given variables.
func varTypes(list []*Var) (res []Type) {}

// typesSummary returns a string of the form "(t1, t2, ...)" where the
// ti's are user-friendly string representations for the given types.
// If variadic is set and the last type is a slice, its string is of
// the form "...E" where E is the slice's element type.
func (check *Checker) typesSummary(list []Type, variadic bool) string {}

func measure(x int, unit string) string {}

func (check *Checker) assignError(rhs []syntax.Expr, l, r int) {}

func (check *Checker) returnError(at poser, lhs []*Var, rhs []*operand) {}

// initVars type-checks assignments of initialization expressions orig_rhs
// to variables lhs.
// If returnStmt is non-nil, initVars type-checks the implicit assignment
// of result expressions orig_rhs to function result parameters lhs.
func (check *Checker) initVars(lhs []*Var, orig_rhs []syntax.Expr, returnStmt syntax.Stmt) {}

// assignVars type-checks assignments of expressions orig_rhs to variables lhs.
func (check *Checker) assignVars(lhs, orig_rhs []syntax.Expr) {}

func (check *Checker) shortVarDecl(pos poser, lhs, rhs []syntax.Expr) {}