
type BasicKind

const Invalid

const Bool

const Int

const Int8

const Int16

const Int32

const Int64

const Uint

const Uint8

const Uint16

const Uint32

const Uint64

const Uintptr

const Float32

const Float64

const Complex64

const Complex128

const String

const UnsafePointer

const UntypedBool

const UntypedInt

const UntypedRune

const UntypedFloat

const UntypedComplex

const UntypedString

const UntypedNil

const Byte

const Rune

type BasicInfo

const IsBoolean

const IsInteger

const IsUnsigned

const IsFloat

const IsComplex

const IsString

const IsUntyped

const IsOrdered

const IsNumeric

const IsConstType

type Basic

// Kind returns the kind of basic type b.
func (b *Basic) Kind() BasicKind {}

// Info returns information about properties of basic type b.
func (b *Basic) Info() BasicInfo {}

// Name returns the name of basic type b.
func (b *Basic) Name() string {}

func (b *Basic) Underlying() Type {}

func (b *Basic) String() string   {}