
// funcInst type-checks a function instantiation.
// The incoming x must be a generic function.
// If inst != nil, it provides some or all of the type arguments (inst.Index).
// If target != nil, it may be used to infer missing type arguments of x, if any.
// At least one of T or inst must be provided.
// There are two modes of operation:
//  1. If infer == true, funcInst infers missing type arguments as needed and
//     instantiates the function x. The returned results are nil.
//  2. If infer == false and inst provides all type arguments, funcInst
//     instantiates the function x. The returned results are nil.
//     If inst doesn't provide enough type arguments, funcInst returns the
//     available arguments and the corresponding expression list; x remains
//     unchanged.
// If an error (other than a version error) occurs in any case, it is reported
// and x.mode is set to invalid.
func (check *Checker) funcInst(T *target, pos syntax.Pos, x *operand, inst *syntax.IndexExpr, infer bool) ([]Type, []syntax.Expr) {}

func (check *Checker) instantiateSignature(pos syntax.Pos, expr syntax.Expr, typ *Signature, targs []Type, xlist []syntax.Expr) (res *Signature) {}

func (check *Checker) callExpr(x *operand, call *syntax.CallExpr) exprKind {}

// exprList evaluates a list of expressions and returns the corresponding operands.
// A single-element expression list may evaluate to multiple operands.
func (check *Checker) exprList(elist []syntax.Expr) (xlist []*operand) {}

// genericExprList is like exprList but result operands may be uninstantiated or partially
// instantiated generic functions (where constraint information is insufficient to infer
// the missing type arguments) for Go 1.21 and later.
// For each non-generic or uninstantiated generic operand, the corresponding targsList and
// xlistList elements do not exist (targsList and xlistList are nil) or the elements are nil.
// For each partially instantiated generic function operand, the corresponding targsList and
// xlistList elements are the operand's partial type arguments and type expression lists.
func (check *Checker) genericExprList(elist []syntax.Expr) (resList []*operand, targsList [][]Type, xlistList [][]syntax.Expr) {}

// arguments type-checks arguments passed to a function call with the given signature.
// The function and its arguments may be generic, and possibly partially instantiated.
// targs and xlist are the function's type arguments (and corresponding expressions).
// args are the function arguments. If an argument args[i] is a partially instantiated
// generic function, atargs[i] and atxlist[i] are the corresponding type arguments
// (and corresponding expressions).
// If the callee is variadic, arguments adjusts its signature to match the provided
// arguments. The type parameters and arguments of the callee and all its arguments
// are used together to infer any missing type arguments, and the callee and argument
// functions are instantiated as necessary.
// The result signature is the (possibly adjusted and instantiated) function signature.
// If an error occurred, the result signature is the incoming sig.
func (check *Checker) arguments(call *syntax.CallExpr, sig *Signature, targs []Type, xlist []syntax.Expr, args []*operand, atargs [][]Type, atxlist [][]syntax.Expr) (rsig *Signature) {}

var cgoPrefixes

func (check *Checker) selector(x *operand, e *syntax.SelectorExpr, def *TypeName, wantType bool) {}

// use type-checks each argument.
// Useful to make sure expressions are evaluated
// (and variables are "used") in the presence of
// other errors. Arguments may be nil.
// Reports if all arguments evaluated without error.
func (check *Checker) use(args ...syntax.Expr) bool {}

// useLHS is like use, but doesn't "use" top-level identifiers.
// It should be called instead of use if the arguments are
// expressions on the lhs of an assignment.
func (check *Checker) useLHS(args ...syntax.Expr) bool {}

func (check *Checker) useN(args []syntax.Expr, lhs bool) bool {}

func (check *Checker) use1(e syntax.Expr, lhs bool) bool {}