
// overflow checks that the constant x is representable by its type.
// For untyped constants, it checks that the value doesn't become
// arbitrarily large.
func (check *Checker) overflow(x *operand, opPos syntax.Pos) {}

// representableConst reports whether x can be represented as
// value of the given basic type and for the configuration
// provided (only needed for int/uint sizes).
// If rounded != nil, *rounded is set to the rounded value of x for
// representable floating-point and complex values, and to an Int
// value for integer values; it is left alone otherwise.
// It is ok to provide the addressof the first argument for rounded.
// The check parameter may be nil if representableConst is invoked
// (indirectly) through an exported API call (AssignableTo, ConvertibleTo)
// because we don't need the Checker's config for those calls.
func representableConst(x constant.Value, check *Checker, typ *Basic, rounded *constant.Value) bool {}

func fitsFloat32(x constant.Value) bool {}

func roundFloat32(x constant.Value) constant.Value {}

func fitsFloat64(x constant.Value) bool {}

func roundFloat64(x constant.Value) constant.Value {}

// representable checks that a constant operand is representable in the given
// basic type.
func (check *Checker) representable(x *operand, typ *Basic) {}

// representation returns the representation of the constant operand x as the
// basic type typ.
// If no such representation is possible, it returns a non-zero error code.
func (check *Checker) representation(x *operand, typ *Basic) (constant.Value, Code) {}

func (check *Checker) invalidConversion(code Code, x *operand, target Type) {}

// convertUntyped attempts to set the type of an untyped value to the target type.
func (check *Checker) convertUntyped(x *operand, target Type) {}