
func (check *Checker) declare(scope *Scope, id *syntax.Name, obj Object, pos syntax.Pos) {}

// pathString returns a string of the form a->b-> ... ->g for a path [a, b, ... g].
func pathString(path []Object) string {}

// objDecl type-checks the declaration of obj in its respective (file) environment.
// For the meaning of def, see Checker.definedType, in typexpr.go.
func (check *Checker) objDecl(obj Object, def *TypeName) {}

// validCycle reports whether the cycle starting with obj is valid and
// reports an error if it is not.
func (check *Checker) validCycle(obj Object) (valid bool) {}

// cycleError reports a declaration cycle starting with the object at cycle[start].
func (check *Checker) cycleError(cycle []Object, start int) {}

// firstInSrc reports the index of the object with the "smallest"
// source position in path. path must not be empty.
func firstInSrc(path []Object) int {}

func (check *Checker) constDecl(obj *Const, typ, init syntax.Expr, inherited bool) {}

func (check *Checker) varDecl(obj *Var, lhs []*Var, typ, init syntax.Expr) {}

// isImportedConstraint reports whether typ is an imported type constraint.
func (check *Checker) isImportedConstraint(typ Type) bool {}

func (check *Checker) typeDecl(obj *TypeName, tdecl *syntax.TypeDecl, def *TypeName) {}

func (check *Checker) collectTypeParams(dst **TypeParamList, list []*syntax.Field) {}

func (check *Checker) bound(x syntax.Expr) Type {}

func (check *Checker) declareTypeParam(name *syntax.Name, scopePos syntax.Pos) *TypeParam {}

func (check *Checker) collectMethods(obj *TypeName) {}

func (check *Checker) checkFieldUniqueness(base *Named) {}

func (check *Checker) funcDecl(obj *Func, decl *declInfo) {}

func (check *Checker) declStmt(list []syntax.Decl) {}