
func assert(p bool) {}

type errorDesc

type error_

// newError returns a new error_ with the given error code.
func (check *Checker) newError(code Code) *error_ {}

// addf adds formatted error information to err.
// It may be called multiple times to provide additional information.
// The position of the first call to addf determines the position of the reported Error.
// Subsequent calls to addf provide additional information in the form of additional lines
// in the error message (types2) or continuation errors identified by a tab-indented error
// message (go/types).
func (err *error_) addf(at poser, format string, args ...interface{}

// addAltDecl is a specialized form of addf reporting another declaration of obj.
func (err *error_) addAltDecl(obj Object) {}

func (err *error_) empty() bool {}

func (err *error_) pos() syntax.Pos {}

// msg returns the formatted error message without the primary error position pos().
func (err *error_) msg() string {}

// report reports the error err, setting check.firstError if necessary.
func (err *error_) report() {}

// handleError should only be called by error_.report.
func (check *Checker) handleError(index int, pos syntax.Pos, code Code, msg string, soft bool) {}

const invalidArg

const invalidOp

type poser

func (check *Checker) error(at poser, code Code, msg string) {}

func (check *Checker) errorf(at poser, code Code, format string, args ...any) {}

func (check *Checker) softErrorf(at poser, code Code, format string, args ...any) {}

func (check *Checker) versionErrorf(at poser, v goVersion, format string, args ...any) {}

// atPos reports the left (= start) position of at.
func atPos(at poser) syntax.Pos {}