
type opPredicates

var unaryOpPredicates

func init() {}

func (check *Checker) op(m opPredicates, x *operand, op syntax.Operator) bool {}

// opPos returns the position of the operator if x is an operation;
// otherwise it returns the start position of x.
func opPos(x syntax.Expr) syntax.Pos {}

// opName returns the name of the operation if x is an operation
// that might overflow; otherwise it returns the empty string.
func opName(x syntax.Expr) string {}

var op2str1

var op2str2

func (check *Checker) unary(x *operand, e *syntax.Operation) {}

func isShift(op syntax.Operator) bool {}

func isComparison(op syntax.Operator) bool {}

// updateExprType updates the type of x to typ and invokes itself
// recursively for the operands of x, depending on expression kind.
// If typ is still an untyped and not the final type, updateExprType
// only updates the recorded untyped type for x and possibly its
// operands. Otherwise (i.e., typ is not an untyped type anymore,
// or it is the final type for x), the type and value are recorded.
// Also, if x is a constant, it must be representable as a value of typ,
// and if x is the (formerly untyped) lhs operand of a non-constant
// shift, it must be an integer value.
func (check *Checker) updateExprType(x syntax.Expr, typ Type, final bool) {}

// updateExprVal updates the value of x to val.
func (check *Checker) updateExprVal(x syntax.Expr, val constant.Value) {}

// implicitTypeAndValue returns the implicit type of x when used in a context
// where the target type is expected. If no such implicit conversion is
// possible, it returns a nil Type and non-zero error code.
// If x is a constant operand, the returned constant.Value will be the
// representation of x in this context.
func (check *Checker) implicitTypeAndValue(x *operand, target Type) (Type, constant.Value, Code) {}

// If switchCase is true, the operator op is ignored.
func (check *Checker) comparison(x, y *operand, op syntax.Operator, switchCase bool) {}

// incomparableCause returns a more specific cause why typ is not comparable.
// If there is no more specific cause, the result is "".
func (check *Checker) incomparableCause(typ Type) string {}

// If e != nil, it must be the shift expression; it may be nil for non-constant shifts.
func (check *Checker) shift(x, y *operand, e syntax.Expr, op syntax.Operator) {}

var binaryOpPredicates

func init() {}

// If e != nil, it must be the binary expression; it may be nil for non-constant expressions
// (when invoked for an assignment operation where the binary expression is implicit).
func (check *Checker) binary(x *operand, e syntax.Expr, lhs, rhs syntax.Expr, op syntax.Operator) {}

// matchTypes attempts to convert any untyped types x and y such that they match.
// If an error occurs, x.mode is set to invalid.
func (check *Checker) matchTypes(x, y *operand) {}

type exprKind

const conversion

const expression

const statement

type target

// newTarget creates a new target for the given type and description.
// The result is nil if typ is not a signature.
func newTarget(typ Type, desc string) *target {}

// rawExpr typechecks expression e and initializes x with the expression
// value or type. If an error occurred, x.mode is set to invalid.
// If a non-nil target T is given and e is a generic function,
// T is used to infer the type arguments for e.
// If hint != nil, it is the type of a composite literal element.
// If allowGeneric is set, the operand type may be an uninstantiated
// parameterized type or function value.
func (check *Checker) rawExpr(T *target, x *operand, e syntax.Expr, hint Type, allowGeneric bool) exprKind {}

// If x is a generic type, or a generic function whose type arguments cannot be inferred
// from a non-nil target T, nonGeneric reports an error and invalidates x.mode and x.typ.
// Otherwise it leaves x alone.
func (check *Checker) nonGeneric(T *target, x *operand) {}

// exprInternal contains the core of type checking of expressions.
// Must only be called by rawExpr.
// (See rawExpr for an explanation of the parameters.)
func (check *Checker) exprInternal(T *target, x *operand, e syntax.Expr, hint Type) exprKind {}

// keyVal maps a complex, float, integer, string or boolean constant value
// to the corresponding complex128, float64, int64, uint64, string, or bool
// Go value if possible; otherwise it returns x.
// A complex constant that can be represented as a float (such as 1.2 + 0i)
// is returned as a floating point value; if a floating point value can be
// represented as an integer (such as 1.0) it is returned as an integer value.
// This ensures that constants of different kind but equal value (such as
// 1.0 + 0i, 1.0, 1) result in the same value.
func keyVal(x constant.Value) interface{}

// typeAssertion checks x.(T). The type of x must be an interface.
func (check *Checker) typeAssertion(e syntax.Expr, x *operand, T Type, typeSwitch bool) {}

// expr typechecks expression e and initializes x with the expression value.
// If a non-nil target T is given and e is a generic function or
// a function call, T is used to infer the type arguments for e.
// The result must be a single value.
// If an error occurred, x.mode is set to invalid.
func (check *Checker) expr(T *target, x *operand, e syntax.Expr) {}

// genericExpr is like expr but the result may also be generic.
func (check *Checker) genericExpr(x *operand, e syntax.Expr) {}

// multiExpr typechecks e and returns its value (or values) in list.
// If allowCommaOk is set and e is a map index, comma-ok, or comma-err
// expression, the result is a two-element list containing the value
// of e, and an untyped bool value or an error value, respectively.
// If an error occurred, list[0] is not valid.
func (check *Checker) multiExpr(e syntax.Expr, allowCommaOk bool) (list []*operand, commaOk bool) {}

// exprWithHint typechecks expression e and initializes x with the expression value;
// hint is the type of a composite literal element.
// If an error occurred, x.mode is set to invalid.
func (check *Checker) exprWithHint(x *operand, e syntax.Expr, hint Type) {}

// exprOrType typechecks expression or type e and initializes x with the expression value or type.
// If allowGeneric is set, the operand type may be an uninstantiated parameterized type or function
// value.
// If an error occurred, x.mode is set to invalid.
func (check *Checker) exprOrType(x *operand, e syntax.Expr, allowGeneric bool) {}

// exclude reports an error if x.mode is in modeset and sets x.mode to invalid.
// The modeset may contain any of 1<<novalue, 1<<builtin, 1<<typexpr.
func (check *Checker) exclude(x *operand, modeset uint) {}

// singleValue reports an error if x describes a tuple and sets x.mode to invalid.
func (check *Checker) singleValue(x *operand) {}

var op2tok