
type monoGraph

type monoVertex

type monoEdge

func (check *Checker) monomorph() {}

func (check *Checker) reportInstanceLoop(v int) {}

// recordCanon records that tpar is the canonical type parameter
// corresponding to method type parameter mpar.
func (w *monoGraph) recordCanon(mpar, tpar *TypeParam) {}

// recordInstance records that the given type parameters were
// instantiated with the corresponding type arguments.
func (w *monoGraph) recordInstance(pkg *Package, pos syntax.Pos, tparams []*TypeParam, targs []Type, xlist []syntax.Expr) {}

// assign records that tpar was instantiated as targ at pos.
func (w *monoGraph) assign(pkg *Package, pos syntax.Pos, tpar *TypeParam, targ Type) {}

// localNamedVertex returns the index of the vertex representing
// named, or -1 if named doesn't need representation.
func (w *monoGraph) localNamedVertex(pkg *Package, named *Named) int {}

// typeParamVertex returns the index of the vertex representing tpar.
func (w *monoGraph) typeParamVertex(tpar *TypeParam) int {}

func (w *monoGraph) addEdge(dst, src, weight int, pos syntax.Pos, typ Type) {}