
type Named

type instance

type namedState

const unresolved

const resolved

const complete

// NewNamed returns a new named type for the given type name, underlying type, and associated methods.
// If the given type name obj doesn't have a type yet, its type is set to the returned named type.
// The underlying type must not be a *Named.
func NewNamed(obj *TypeName, underlying Type, methods []*Func) *Named {}

// resolve resolves the type parameters, methods, and underlying type of n.
// This information may be loaded from a provided loader function, or computed
// from an origin type (in the case of instances).
// After resolution, the type parameters, methods, and underlying type of n are
// accessible; but if n is an instantiated type, its methods may still be
// unexpanded.
func (n *Named) resolve() *Named {}

// state atomically accesses the current state of the receiver.
func (n *Named) state() namedState {}

// setState atomically stores the given state for n.
// Must only be called while holding n.mu.
func (n *Named) setState(state namedState) {}

// newNamed is like NewNamed but with a *Checker receiver.
func (check *Checker) newNamed(obj *TypeName, underlying Type, methods []*Func) *Named {}

// newNamedInstance creates a new named instance for the given origin and type
// arguments, recording pos as the position of its synthetic object (for error
// reporting).
// If set, expanding is the named type instance currently being expanded, that
// led to the creation of this instance.
func (check *Checker) newNamedInstance(pos syntax.Pos, orig *Named, targs []Type, expanding *Named) *Named {}

func (t *Named) cleanup() {}

// Obj returns the type name for the declaration defining the named type t. For
// instantiated types, this is same as the type name of the origin type.
func (t *Named) Obj() *TypeName {}

// Origin returns the generic type from which the named type t is
// instantiated. If t is not an instantiated type, the result is t.
func (t *Named) Origin() *Named {}

// TypeParams returns the type parameters of the named type t, or nil.
// The result is non-nil for an (originally) generic type even if it is instantiated.
func (t *Named) TypeParams() *TypeParamList {}

// SetTypeParams sets the type parameters of the named type t.
// t must not have type arguments.
func (t *Named) SetTypeParams(tparams []*TypeParam) {}

// TypeArgs returns the type arguments used to instantiate the named type t.
func (t *Named) TypeArgs() *TypeList {}

// NumMethods returns the number of explicit methods defined for t.
func (t *Named) NumMethods() int {}

// Method returns the i'th method of named type t for 0 <= i < t.NumMethods().
// For an ordinary or instantiated type t, the receiver base type of this
// method is the named type t. For an uninstantiated generic type t, each
// method receiver is instantiated with its receiver type parameters.
// Methods are numbered deterministically: given the same list of source files
// presented to the type checker, or the same sequence of NewMethod and AddMethod
// calls, the mapping from method index to corresponding method remains the same.
// But the specific ordering is not specified and must not be relied on as it may
// change in the future.
func (t *Named) Method(i int) *Func {}

// expandMethod substitutes type arguments in the i'th method for an
// instantiated receiver.
func (t *Named) expandMethod(i int) *Func {}

// SetUnderlying sets the underlying type and marks t as complete.
// t must not have type arguments.
func (t *Named) SetUnderlying(underlying Type) {}

// AddMethod adds method m unless it is already in the method list.
// The method must be in the same package as t, and t must not have
// type arguments.
func (t *Named) AddMethod(m *Func) {}

// methodIndex returns the index of the method with the given name.
// If foldCase is set, capitalization in the name is ignored.
// The result is negative if no such method exists.
func (t *Named) methodIndex(name string, foldCase bool) int {}

// Underlying returns the [underlying type] of the named type t, resolving all
// forwarding declarations. Underlying types are never Named, TypeParam, or
// Alias types.
// [underlying type]: https://go.dev/ref/spec#Underlying_types.
func (t *Named) Underlying() Type {}

func (t *Named) String() string {}

// under returns the expanded underlying type of n0; possibly by following
// forward chains of named types. If an underlying type is found, resolve
// the chain by setting the underlying type for each defined type in the
// chain before returning it. If no underlying type is found or a cycle
// is detected, the result is Typ[Invalid]. If a cycle is detected and
// n0.check != nil, the cycle is reported.
// This is necessary because the underlying type of named may be itself a
// named type that is incomplete:
//	type (
//		A B
//		B *C
//		C A
//	)
// The type of C is the (named) type of A which is incomplete,
// and which has as its underlying type the named type B.
func (n0 *Named) under() Type {}

func (n *Named) lookupMethod(pkg *Package, name string, foldCase bool) (int, *Func) {}

// context returns the type-checker context.
func (check *Checker) context() *Context {}

// expandUnderlying substitutes type arguments in the underlying type n.orig,
// returning the result. Returns Typ[Invalid] if there was an error.
func (n *Named) expandUnderlying() Type {}

// safeUnderlying returns the underlying type of typ without expanding
// instances, to avoid infinite recursion.
// TODO(rfindley): eliminate this function or give it a better name.
func safeUnderlying(typ Type) Type {}