
type operandMode

const invalid

const novalue

const builtin

const typexpr

const constant_

const variable

const mapindex

const value

const nilvalue

const commaok

const commaerr

const cgofunc

var operandModeString

type operand

// Pos returns the position of the expression corresponding to x.
// If x is invalid the position is nopos.
func (x *operand) Pos() syntax.Pos {}

// Operand string formats
// (not all "untyped" cases can appear due to the type system,
// but they fall out naturally here)
// mode       format
// invalid    <expr> (               <mode>                    )
// novalue    <expr> (               <mode>                    )
// builtin    <expr> (               <mode>                    )
// typexpr    <expr> (               <mode>                    )
// constant   <expr> (<untyped kind> <mode>                    )
// constant   <expr> (               <mode>       of type <typ>)
// constant   <expr> (<untyped kind> <mode> <val>              )
// constant   <expr> (               <mode> <val> of type <typ>)
// variable   <expr> (<untyped kind> <mode>                    )
// variable   <expr> (               <mode>       of type <typ>)
// mapindex   <expr> (<untyped kind> <mode>                    )
// mapindex   <expr> (               <mode>       of type <typ>)
// value      <expr> (<untyped kind> <mode>                    )
// value      <expr> (               <mode>       of type <typ>)
// nilvalue   untyped nil
// nilvalue   nil    (                            of type <typ>)
// commaok    <expr> (<untyped kind> <mode>                    )
// commaok    <expr> (               <mode>       of type <typ>)
// commaerr   <expr> (<untyped kind> <mode>                    )
// commaerr   <expr> (               <mode>       of type <typ>)
// cgofunc    <expr> (<untyped kind> <mode>                    )
// cgofunc    <expr> (               <mode>       of type <typ>)
func operandString(x *operand, qf Qualifier) string {}

// compositeKind returns the kind of the given composite type
// ("array", "slice", etc.) or the empty string if typ is not
// composite but a basic type.
func compositeKind(typ Type) string {}

func (x *operand) String() string {}

// setConst sets x to the untyped constant for literal lit.
func (x *operand) setConst(k syntax.LitKind, lit string) {}

// isNil reports whether x is the (untyped) nil value.
func (x *operand) isNil() bool {}

// assignableTo reports whether x is assignable to a variable of type T. If the
// result is false and a non-nil cause is provided, it may be set to a more
// detailed explanation of the failure (result != ""). The returned error code
// is only valid if the (first) result is false. The check parameter may be nil
// if assignableTo is invoked through an exported API call, i.e., when all
// methods have been type-checked.
func (x *operand) assignableTo(check *Checker, T Type, cause *string) (bool, Code) {}