
// isValid reports whether t is a valid type.
func isValid(t Type) bool {}

func isBoolean(t Type) bool        {}

func isInteger(t Type) bool        {}

func isUnsigned(t Type) bool       {}

func isFloat(t Type) bool          {}

func isComplex(t Type) bool        {}

func isNumeric(t Type) bool        {}

func isString(t Type) bool         {}

func isIntegerOrFloat(t Type) bool {}

func isConstType(t Type) bool      {}

// isBasic reports whether under(t) is a basic type with the specified info.
// If t is a type parameter the result is false; i.e.,
// isBasic does not look inside a type parameter.
func isBasic(t Type, info BasicInfo) bool {}

func allBoolean(t Type) bool         {}

func allInteger(t Type) bool         {}

func allUnsigned(t Type) bool        {}

func allNumeric(t Type) bool         {}

func allString(t Type) bool          {}

func allOrdered(t Type) bool         {}

func allNumericOrString(t Type) bool {}

// allBasic reports whether under(t) is a basic type with the specified info.
// If t is a type parameter, the result is true if isBasic(t, info) is true
// for all specific types of the type parameter's type set.
// allBasic(t, info) is an optimized version of isBasic(coreType(t), info).
func allBasic(t Type, info BasicInfo) bool {}

// hasName reports whether t has a name. This includes
// predeclared types, defined types, and type parameters.
// hasName may be called with types that are not fully set up.
func hasName(t Type) bool {}

// isTypeLit reports whether t is a type literal.
// This includes all non-defined types, but also basic types.
// isTypeLit may be called with types that are not fully set up.
func isTypeLit(t Type) bool {}

// isTyped reports whether t is typed; i.e., not an untyped
// constant or boolean.
// Safe to call from types that are not fully set up.
func isTyped(t Type) bool {}

// isUntyped(t) is the same as !isTyped(t).
// Safe to call from types that are not fully set up.
func isUntyped(t Type) bool {}

// isUntypedNumeric reports whether t is an untyped numeric type.
// Safe to call from types that are not fully set up.
func isUntypedNumeric(t Type) bool {}

// IsInterface reports whether t is an interface type.
func IsInterface(t Type) bool {}

// isNonTypeParamInterface reports whether t is an interface type but not a type parameter.
func isNonTypeParamInterface(t Type) bool {}

// isTypeParam reports whether t is a type parameter.
func isTypeParam(t Type) bool {}

// hasEmptyTypeset reports whether t is a type parameter with an empty type set.
// The function does not force the computation of the type set and so is safe to
// use anywhere, but it may report a false negative if the type set has not been
// computed yet.
func hasEmptyTypeset(t Type) bool {}

// isGeneric reports whether a type is a generic, uninstantiated type
// (generic signatures are not included).
// TODO(gri) should we include signatures or assert that they are not present?
func isGeneric(t Type) bool {}

// Comparable reports whether values of type T are comparable.
func Comparable(T Type) bool {}

// If dynamic is set, non-type parameter interfaces are always comparable.
// If reportf != nil, it may be used to report why T is not comparable.
func comparableType(T Type, dynamic bool, seen map[Type]bool, reportf func(string, ...interface{}

// hasNil reports whether type t includes the nil value.
func hasNil(t Type) bool {}

// samePkg reports whether packages a and b are the same.
func samePkg(a, b *Package) bool {}

type ifacePair

func (p *ifacePair) identical(q *ifacePair) bool {}

type comparer

// For changes to this code the corresponding changes should be made to unifier.nify.
func (c *comparer) identical(x, y Type, p *ifacePair) bool {}

// identicalOrigin reports whether x and y originated in the same declaration.
func identicalOrigin(x, y *Named) bool {}

// identicalInstance reports if two type instantiations are identical.
// Instantiations are identical if their origin and type arguments are
// identical.
func identicalInstance(xorig Type, xargs []Type, yorig Type, yargs []Type) bool {}

// Default returns the default "typed" type for an "untyped" type;
// it returns the incoming type for all other types. The default type
// for untyped nil is untyped nil.
func Default(t Type) Type {}

// maxType returns the "largest" type that encompasses both x and y.
// If x and y are different untyped numeric types, the result is the type of x or y
// that appears later in this list: integer, rune, floating-point, complex.
// Otherwise, if x != y, the result is nil.
func maxType(x, y Type) Type {}

// clone makes a "flat copy" of *p and returns a pointer to the copy.
func clone[P *T, T any](p P) P {}

// isValidName reports whether s is a valid Go identifier.
func isValidName(s string) bool {}