
type declInfo

// hasInitializer reports whether the declared object has an initialization
// expression or function body.
func (d *declInfo) hasInitializer() bool {}

// addDep adds obj to the set of objects d's init expression depends on.
func (d *declInfo) addDep(obj Object) {}

// arity checks that the lhs and rhs of a const or var decl
// have a matching number of names and initialization values.
// If inherited is set, the initialization values are from
// another (constant) declaration.
func (check *Checker) arity(pos syntax.Pos, names []*syntax.Name, inits []syntax.Expr, constDecl, inherited bool) {}

func validatedImportPath(path string) (string, error) {}

// declarePkgObj declares obj in the package scope, records its ident -> obj mapping,
// and updates check.objMap. The object must not be a function or method.
func (check *Checker) declarePkgObj(ident *syntax.Name, obj Object, d *declInfo) {}

// filename returns a filename suitable for debugging output.
func (check *Checker) filename(fileNo int) string {}

func (check *Checker) importPackage(pos syntax.Pos, path, dir string) *Package {}

// collectObjects collects all file and package objects and inserts them
// into their respective scopes. It also performs imports and associates
// methods with receiver base type names.
func (check *Checker) collectObjects() {}

// unpackRecv unpacks a receiver type expression and returns its components: ptr indicates
// whether rtyp is a pointer receiver, base is the receiver base type expression stripped
// of its type parameters (if any), and tparams are its type parameter names, if any. The
// type parameters are only unpacked if unpackParams is set. For instance, given the rtyp
//	*T[A, _]
// ptr is true, base is T, and tparams is [A, _] (assuming unpackParams is set).
// Note that base may not be a *syntax.Name for erroneous programs.
func (check *Checker) unpackRecv(rtyp syntax.Expr, unpackParams bool) (ptr bool, base syntax.Expr, tparams []*syntax.Name) {}

// resolveBaseTypeName returns the non-alias base type name for typ, and whether
// there was a pointer indirection to get to it. The base type name must be declared
// in package scope, and there can be at most one pointer indirection. If no such type
// name exists, the returned base is nil.
func (check *Checker) resolveBaseTypeName(seenPtr bool, typ syntax.Expr, lookupScope func(*syntax.Name) *Scope) (ptr bool, base *TypeName) {}

// packageObjects typechecks all package objects, but not function bodies.
func (check *Checker) packageObjects() {}

// unusedImports checks for unused imports.
func (check *Checker) unusedImports() {}

func (check *Checker) errorUnusedPkg(obj *PkgName) {}

// dir makes a good-faith attempt to return the directory
// portion of path. If path is empty, the result is ".".
// (Per the go/build package dependency tests, we cannot import
// path/filepath and simply use filepath.Dir.)
func dir(path string) string {}