
type Scope

// NewScope returns a new, empty scope contained in the given parent
// scope, if any. The comment is for debugging only.
func NewScope(parent *Scope, pos, end syntax.Pos, comment string) *Scope {}

// Parent returns the scope's containing (parent) scope.
func (s *Scope) Parent() *Scope {}

// Len returns the number of scope elements.
func (s *Scope) Len() int {}

// Names returns the scope's element names in sorted order.
func (s *Scope) Names() []string {}

// NumChildren returns the number of scopes nested in s.
func (s *Scope) NumChildren() int {}

// Child returns the i'th child scope for 0 <= i < NumChildren().
func (s *Scope) Child(i int) *Scope {}

// Lookup returns the object in scope s with the given name if such an
// object exists; otherwise the result is nil.
func (s *Scope) Lookup(name string) Object {}

// Insert attempts to insert an object obj into scope s.
// If s already contains an alternative object alt with
// the same name, Insert leaves s unchanged and returns alt.
// Otherwise it inserts obj, sets the object's parent scope
// if not already set, and returns nil.
func (s *Scope) Insert(obj Object) Object {}

// InsertLazy is like Insert, but allows deferring construction of the
// inserted object until it's accessed with Lookup. The Object
// returned by resolve must have the same name as given to InsertLazy.
// If s already contains an alternative object with the same name,
// InsertLazy leaves s unchanged and returns false. Otherwise it
// records the binding and returns true. The object's parent scope
// will be set to s after resolve is called.
func (s *Scope) InsertLazy(name string, resolve func() Object) bool {}

func (s *Scope) insert(name string, obj Object) {}

// WriteTo writes a string representation of the scope to w,
// with the scope elements sorted by name.
// The level of indentation is controlled by n >= 0, with
// n == 0 for no indentation.
// If recurse is set, it also writes nested (children) scopes.
func (s *Scope) WriteTo(w io.Writer, n int, recurse bool) {}

// String returns a string representation of the scope, for debugging.
func (s *Scope) String() string {}

type lazyObject

// resolve returns the Object represented by obj, resolving lazy
// objects as appropriate.
func resolve(name string, obj Object) Object {}

// stub implementations so *lazyObject implements Object and we can
// store them directly into Scope.elems.
func (*lazyObject) Parent() *Scope                     {}

func (*lazyObject) Pos() syntax.Pos                    {}

func (*lazyObject) Pkg() *Package                      {}

func (*lazyObject) Name() string                       {}

func (*lazyObject) Type() Type                         {}

func (*lazyObject) Exported() bool                     {}

func (*lazyObject) Id() string                         {}

func (*lazyObject) String() string                     {}

func (*lazyObject) order() uint32                      {}

func (*lazyObject) color() color                       {}

func (*lazyObject) setType(Type)                       {}

func (*lazyObject) setOrder(uint32)                    {}

func (*lazyObject) setColor(color color)               {}

func (*lazyObject) setParent(*Scope)                   {}

func (*lazyObject) sameId(*Package, string, bool) bool {}

func (*lazyObject) scopePos() syntax.Pos               {}

func (*lazyObject) setScopePos(syntax.Pos)             {}