
type SelectionKind

const FieldVal

const MethodVal

const MethodExpr

type Selection

// Kind returns the selection kind.
func (s *Selection) Kind() SelectionKind {}

// Recv returns the type of x in x.f.
func (s *Selection) Recv() Type {}

// Obj returns the object denoted by x.f; a *Var for
// a field selection, and a *Func in all other cases.
func (s *Selection) Obj() Object {}

// Type returns the type of x.f, which may be different from the type of f.
// See Selection for more information.
func (s *Selection) Type() Type {}

// Index describes the path from x to f in x.f.
// The last index entry is the field or method index of the type declaring f;
// either:
//  1. the list of declared methods of a named type; or
//  2. the list of methods of an interface type; or
//  3. the list of fields of a struct type.
// The earlier index entries are the indices of the embedded fields implicitly
// traversed to get from (the type of) x to f, starting at embedding depth 0.
func (s *Selection) Index() []int {}

// Indirect reports whether any pointer indirection was required to get from
// x to f in x.f.
// Beware: Indirect spuriously returns true (Go issue #8353) for a
// MethodVal selection in which the receiver argument and parameter
// both have type *T so there is no indirection.
// Unfortunately, a fix is too risky.
func (s *Selection) Indirect() bool {}

func (s *Selection) String() string {}

// SelectionString returns the string form of s.
// The Qualifier controls the printing of
// package-level objects, and may be nil.
// Examples:
//	"field (T) f int"
//	"method (T) f(X) Y"
//	"method expr (T) f(X) Y"
func SelectionString(s *Selection, qf Qualifier) string {}