
type Signature

// NewSignatureType creates a new function type for the given receiver,
// receiver type parameters, type parameters, parameters, and results. If
// variadic is set, params must hold at least one parameter and the last
// parameter's core type must be of unnamed slice or bytestring type.
// If recv is non-nil, typeParams must be empty. If recvTypeParams is
// non-empty, recv must be non-nil.
func NewSignatureType(recv *Var, recvTypeParams, typeParams []*TypeParam, params, results *Tuple, variadic bool) *Signature {}

// Recv returns the receiver of signature s (if a method), or nil if a
// function. It is ignored when comparing signatures for identity.
// For an abstract method, Recv returns the enclosing interface either
// as a *[Named] or an *[Interface]. Due to embedding, an interface may
// contain methods whose receiver type is a different interface.
func (s *Signature) Recv() *Var {}

// TypeParams returns the type parameters of signature s, or nil.
func (s *Signature) TypeParams() *TypeParamList {}

// RecvTypeParams returns the receiver type parameters of signature s, or nil.
func (s *Signature) RecvTypeParams() *TypeParamList {}

// Params returns the parameters of signature s, or nil.
func (s *Signature) Params() *Tuple {}

// Results returns the results of signature s, or nil.
func (s *Signature) Results() *Tuple {}

// Variadic reports whether the signature s is variadic.
func (s *Signature) Variadic() bool {}

func (s *Signature) Underlying() Type {}

func (s *Signature) String() string   {}

// funcType type-checks a function or method type.
func (check *Checker) funcType(sig *Signature, recvPar *syntax.Field, tparams []*syntax.Field, ftyp *syntax.FuncType) {}

// collectRecv extracts the method receiver and its type parameters (if any) from rparam.
// It declares the type parameters (but not the receiver) in the current scope, and
// returns the receiver variable and its type parameter list (if any).
func (check *Checker) collectRecv(rparam *syntax.Field, scopePos syntax.Pos) (recv *Var, recvTParamsList *TypeParamList) {}

// recordParenthesizedRecvTypes records parenthesized intermediate receiver type
// expressions that all map to the same type, by recursively unpacking expr and
// recording the corresponding type for it. Example:
//	expression  -->  type
//	----------------------
//	(*(T[P]))        *T[P]
//	 *(T[P])         *T[P]
//	  (T[P])          T[P]
//	   T[P]           T[P]
func (check *Checker) recordParenthesizedRecvTypes(expr syntax.Expr, typ Type) {}

// collectParams collects (but does not declare) all parameters of list and returns
// the list of parameter names, corresponding parameter variables, and whether the
// parameter list is variadic. Anonymous parameters are recorded with nil names.
func (check *Checker) collectParams(list []*syntax.Field, variadicOk bool) (names []*syntax.Name, params []*Var, variadic bool) {}

// declareParams declares each named parameter in the current scope.
func (check *Checker) declareParams(names []*syntax.Name, params []*Var, scopePos syntax.Pos) {}

// validRecv verifies that the receiver satisfies its respective spec requirements
// and reports an error otherwise. If hasTypeParams is set, the receiver declares
// type parameters.
func (check *Checker) validRecv(recv *Var, hasTypeParams bool) {}