
type Struct

// NewStruct returns a new struct with the given fields and corresponding field tags.
// If a field with index i has a tag, tags[i] must be that tag, but len(tags) may be
// only as long as required to hold the tag with the largest index i. Consequently,
// if no field has a tag, tags may be nil.
func NewStruct(fields []*Var, tags []string) *Struct {}

// NumFields returns the number of fields in the struct (including blank and embedded fields).
func (s *Struct) NumFields() int {}

// Field returns the i'th field for 0 <= i < NumFields().
func (s *Struct) Field(i int) *Var {}

// Tag returns the i'th field tag for 0 <= i < NumFields().
func (s *Struct) Tag(i int) string {}

func (s *Struct) Underlying() Type {}

func (s *Struct) String() string   {}

func (s *Struct) markComplete() {}

func (check *Checker) structType(styp *Struct, e *syntax.StructType) {}

func embeddedFieldIdent(e syntax.Expr) *syntax.Name {}

func (check *Checker) declareInSet(oset *objset, pos syntax.Pos, obj Object) bool {}

func (check *Checker) tag(t *syntax.BasicLit) string {}

func ptrBase(x *syntax.Operation) syntax.Expr {}