
type Qualifier

// RelativeTo returns a [Qualifier] that fully qualifies members of
// all packages other than pkg.
func RelativeTo(pkg *Package) Qualifier {}

// TypeString returns the string representation of typ.
// The [Qualifier] controls the printing of
// package-level objects, and may be nil.
func TypeString(typ Type, qf Qualifier) string {}

// WriteType writes the string representation of typ to buf.
// The [Qualifier] controls the printing of
// package-level objects, and may be nil.
func WriteType(buf *bytes.Buffer, typ Type, qf Qualifier) {}

// WriteSignature writes the representation of the signature sig to buf,
// without a leading "func" keyword. The [Qualifier] controls the printing
// of package-level objects, and may be nil.
func WriteSignature(buf *bytes.Buffer, sig *Signature, qf Qualifier) {}

type typeWriter

func newTypeWriter(buf *bytes.Buffer, qf Qualifier) *typeWriter {}

func newTypeHasher(buf *bytes.Buffer, ctxt *Context) *typeWriter {}

func (w *typeWriter) byte(b byte) {}

func (w *typeWriter) string(s string) {}

func (w *typeWriter) error(msg string) {}

func (w *typeWriter) typ(typ Type) {}

// typeSet writes a canonical hash for an interface type set.
func (w *typeWriter) typeSet(s *_TypeSet) {}

func (w *typeWriter) typeList(list []Type) {}

func (w *typeWriter) tParamList(list []*TypeParam) {}

func (w *typeWriter) typeName(obj *TypeName) {}

func (w *typeWriter) tuple(tup *Tuple, variadic bool) {}

func (w *typeWriter) signature(sig *Signature) {}

// subscript returns the decimal (utf8) representation of x using subscript digits.
func subscript(x uint64) string {}