
const isTypes2

// cmpPos compares the positions p and q and returns a result r as follows:
// r <  0: p is before q
// r == 0: p and q are the same position (but may not be identical)
// r >  0: p is after q
// If p and q are in different files, p is before q if the filename
// of p sorts lexicographically before the filename of q.
func cmpPos(p, q syntax.Pos) int {}

// hasDots reports whether the last argument in the call is followed by ...
func hasDots(call *syntax.CallExpr) bool {}

// dddErrPos returns the node (poser) for reporting an invalid ... use in a call.
func dddErrPos(call *syntax.CallExpr) *syntax.CallExpr {}

// isdddArray reports whether atyp is of the form [...]E.
func isdddArray(atyp *syntax.ArrayType) bool {}

// argErrPos returns the node (poser) for reporting an invalid argument count.
func argErrPos(call *syntax.CallExpr) *syntax.CallExpr {}

// ExprString returns a string representation of x.
func ExprString(x syntax.Node) string {}

// startPos returns the start position of node n.
func startPos(n syntax.Node) syntax.Pos {}

// endPos returns the position of the first character immediately after node n.
func endPos(n syntax.Node) syntax.Pos {}

// inNode is a dummy function returning pos.
func inNode(_ syntax.Node, pos syntax.Pos) syntax.Pos {}

// makeFromLiteral returns the constant value for the given literal string and kind.
func makeFromLiteral(lit string, kind syntax.LitKind) constant.Value {}

var kind2tok