
type orderState

// order rewrites fn.Nbody to apply the ordering constraints
// described in the comment at the top of the file.
func order(fn *ir.Func) {}

// append typechecks stmt and appends it to out.
func (o *orderState) append(stmt ir.Node) {}

// newTemp allocates a new temporary with the given type,
// pushes it onto the temp stack, and returns it.
// If clear is true, newTemp emits code to zero the temporary.
func (o *orderState) newTemp(t *types.Type, clear bool) *ir.Name {}

// copyExpr behaves like newTemp but also emits
// code to initialize the temporary to the value n.
func (o *orderState) copyExpr(n ir.Node) *ir.Name {}

// copyExprClear is like copyExpr but clears the temp before assignment.
// It is provided for use when the evaluation of tmp = n turns into
// a function call that is passed a pointer to the temporary as the output space.
// If the call blocks before tmp has been written,
// the garbage collector will still treat the temporary as live,
// so we must zero it before entering that call.
// Today, this only happens for channel receive operations.
// (The other candidate would be map access, but map access
// returns a pointer to the result data instead of taking a pointer
// to be filled in.)
func (o *orderState) copyExprClear(n ir.Node) *ir.Name {}

func (o *orderState) copyExpr1(n ir.Node, clear bool) *ir.Name {}

// cheapExpr returns a cheap version of n.
// The definition of cheap is that n is a variable or constant.
// If not, cheapExpr allocates a new tmp, emits tmp = n,
// and then returns tmp.
func (o *orderState) cheapExpr(n ir.Node) ir.Node {}

// safeExpr returns a safe version of n.
// The definition of safe is that n can appear multiple times
// without violating the semantics of the original program,
// and that assigning to the safe version has the same effect
// as assigning to the original n.
// The intended use is to apply to x when rewriting x += y into x = x + y.
func (o *orderState) safeExpr(n ir.Node) ir.Node {}

// addrTemp ensures that n is okay to pass by address to runtime routines.
// If the original argument n is not okay, addrTemp creates a tmp, emits
// tmp = n, and then returns tmp.
// The result of addrTemp MUST be assigned back to n, e.g.
//	n.Left = o.addrTemp(n.Left)
func (o *orderState) addrTemp(n ir.Node) ir.Node {}

// mapKeyTemp prepares n to be a key in a map runtime call and returns n.
// The first parameter is the position of n's containing node, for use in case
// that n's position is not unique (e.g., if n is an ONAME).
func (o *orderState) mapKeyTemp(outerPos src.XPos, t *types.Type, n ir.Node) ir.Node {}

// mapKeyReplaceStrConv replaces OBYTES2STR by OBYTES2STRTMP
// in n to avoid string allocations for keys in map lookups.
// Returns a bool that signals if a modification was made.
// For:
//	x = m[string(k)]
//	x = m[T1{... Tn{..., string(k), ...}}]
// where k is []byte, T1 to Tn is a nesting of struct and array literals,
// the allocation of backing bytes for the string can be avoided
// by reusing the []byte backing array. These are special cases
// for avoiding allocations when converting byte slices to strings.
// It would be nice to handle these generally, but because
// []byte keys are not allowed in maps, the use of string(k)
// comes up in important cases in practice. See issue 3512.
func mapKeyReplaceStrConv(n ir.Node) bool {}

type ordermarker

// markTemp returns the top of the temporary variable stack.
func (o *orderState) markTemp() ordermarker {}

// popTemp pops temporaries off the stack until reaching the mark,
// which must have been returned by markTemp.
func (o *orderState) popTemp(mark ordermarker) {}

// stmtList orders each of the statements in the list.
func (o *orderState) stmtList(l ir.Nodes) {}

// orderMakeSliceCopy matches the pattern:
//	m = OMAKESLICE([]T, x); OCOPY(m, s)
// and rewrites it to:
//	m = OMAKESLICECOPY([]T, x, s); nil
func orderMakeSliceCopy(s []ir.Node) {}

// edge inserts coverage instrumentation for libfuzzer.
func (o *orderState) edge() {}

// orderBlock orders the block of statements in n into a new slice,
// and then replaces the old slice in n with the new slice.
// free is a map that can be used to obtain temporary variables by type.
func orderBlock(n *ir.Nodes, free map[string][]*ir.Name) {}

// exprInPlace orders the side effects in *np and
// leaves them as the init list of the final *np.
// The result of exprInPlace MUST be assigned back to n, e.g.
//	n.Left = o.exprInPlace(n.Left)
func (o *orderState) exprInPlace(n ir.Node) ir.Node {}

// orderStmtInPlace orders the side effects of the single statement *np
// and replaces it with the resulting statement list.
// The result of orderStmtInPlace MUST be assigned back to n, e.g.
//	n.Left = orderStmtInPlace(n.Left)
// free is a map that can be used to obtain temporary variables by type.
func orderStmtInPlace(n ir.Node, free map[string][]*ir.Name) ir.Node {}

// init moves n's init list to o.out.
func (o *orderState) init(n ir.Node) {}

// call orders the call expression n.
// n.Op is OCALLFUNC/OCALLINTER or a builtin like OCOPY.
func (o *orderState) call(nn ir.Node) {}

// mapAssign appends n to o.out.
func (o *orderState) mapAssign(n ir.Node) {}

func (o *orderState) safeMapRHS(r ir.Node) ir.Node {}

// stmt orders the statement n, appending to o.out.
func (o *orderState) stmt(n ir.Node) {}

func hasDefaultCase(n *ir.SwitchStmt) bool {}

// exprList orders the expression list l into o.
func (o *orderState) exprList(l ir.Nodes) {}

// exprListInPlace orders the expression list l but saves
// the side effects on the individual expression ninit lists.
func (o *orderState) exprListInPlace(l ir.Nodes) {}

func (o *orderState) exprNoLHS(n ir.Node) ir.Node {}

// expr orders a single expression, appending side
// effects to o.out as needed.
// If this is part of an assignment lhs = *np, lhs is given.
// Otherwise lhs == nil. (When lhs != nil it may be possible
// to avoid copying the result of the expression to a temporary.)
// The result of expr MUST be assigned back to n, e.g.
//	n.Left = o.expr(n.Left, lhs)
func (o *orderState) expr(n, lhs ir.Node) ir.Node {}

func (o *orderState) expr1(n, lhs ir.Node) ir.Node {}

// as2func orders OAS2FUNC nodes. It creates temporaries to ensure left-to-right assignment.
// The caller should order the right-hand side of the assignment before calling order.as2func.
// It rewrites,
//	a, b, a = ...
// as
//	tmp1, tmp2, tmp3 = ...
//	a, b, a = tmp1, tmp2, tmp3
// This is necessary to ensure left to right assignment order.
func (o *orderState) as2func(n *ir.AssignListStmt) {}

// as2ok orders OAS2XXX with ok.
// Just like as2func, this also adds temporaries to ensure left-to-right assignment.
func (o *orderState) as2ok(n *ir.AssignListStmt) {}