
type metaMerge

type pkstate

type podstate

type pkfunc

type pcombinestate

func newMetaMerge() *metaMerge {}

func (mm *metaMerge) visitMetaDataFile(mdf string, mfr *decodemeta.CoverageMetaFileReader) {}

func (mm *metaMerge) beginCounterDataFile(cdr *decodecounter.CounterDataReader) {}

func copyMetaDataFile(inpath, outpath string) {}

func (mm *metaMerge) beginPod() {}

// metaEndPod handles actions needed when we're done visiting all of
// the things in a pod -- counter files and meta-data file. There are
// three cases of interest here:
// Case 1: in an unconditional merge (we're not selecting a specific set of
// packages using "-pkg", and the "-pcombine" option is not in use),
// we can simply copy over the meta-data file from input to output.
// Case 2: if this is a select merge (-pkg is in effect), then at
// this point we write out a new smaller meta-data file that includes
// only the packages of interest. At this point we also emit a merged
// counter data file as well.
// Case 3: if "-pcombine" is in effect, we don't write anything at
// this point (all writes will happen at the end of the run).
func (mm *metaMerge) endPod(pcombine bool) {}

// emitMeta encodes and writes out a new coverage meta-data file as
// part of a merge operation, specifically a merge with the
// "-pcombine" flag.
func (mm *metaMerge) emitMeta(outdir string, pcombine bool) [16]byte {}

func (mm *metaMerge) emitCounters(outdir string, metaHash [16]byte) {}

// VisitFuncs is used while writing the counter data files; it
// implements the 'VisitFuncs' method required by the interface
// internal/coverage/encodecounter/CounterVisitor.
func (mm *metaMerge) VisitFuncs(f encodecounter.CounterVisitorFn) error {}

func (mm *metaMerge) visitPackage(pd *decodemeta.CoverageMetaDataDecoder, pkgIdx uint32, pcombine bool) {}

func (mm *metaMerge) visitFuncCounterData(data decodecounter.FuncPayload) {}

func (mm *metaMerge) visitFunc(pkgIdx uint32, fnIdx uint32, fd *coverage.FuncDesc, verb string, pcombine bool) {}