
const usageMessage

func usage() {}

var mode

var varVar

var output

var outfilelist

var htmlOut

var funcOut

var pkgcfg

var pkgconfig

var outputfiles

var profile

var counterStmt

var covervarsoutfile

var cmode

var cgran

const atomicPackagePath

const atomicPackageName

func main() {}

// parseFlags sets the profile and counterStmt globals and performs validations.
func parseFlags() error {}

func readOutFileList(path string) ([]string, error) {}

func readPackageConfig(path string) error {}

type Block

type Package

type Func

type File

// findText finds text in the original source, starting at pos.
// It correctly skips over comments and assumes it need not
// handle quoted strings.
// It returns a byte offset within f.src.
func (f *File) findText(pos token.Pos, text string) int {}

// Visit implements the ast.Visitor interface.
func (f *File) Visit(node ast.Node) ast.Visitor {}

func mkCounterVarName(idx int) string {}

func mkPackageIdVar() string {}

func mkMetaVar() string {}

func mkPackageIdExpression() string {}

func (f *File) preFunc(fn ast.Node, fname string) {}

func (f *File) postFunc(fn ast.Node, funcname string, flit bool, body *ast.BlockStmt) {}

func annotate(names []string) {}

func (p *Package) annotateFile(name string, fd io.Writer) {}

// setCounterStmt returns the expression: __count[23] = 1.
func setCounterStmt(f *File, counter string) string {}

// incCounterStmt returns the expression: __count[23]++.
func incCounterStmt(f *File, counter string) string {}

// atomicCounterStmt returns the expression: atomic.AddUint32(&__count[23], 1)
func atomicCounterStmt(f *File, counter string) string {}

// newCounter creates a new counter expression of the appropriate form.
func (f *File) newCounter(start, end token.Pos, numStmt int) string {}

// addCounters takes a list of statements and adds counters to the beginning of
// each basic block at the top level of that list. For instance, given
//	S1
//	if cond {
//		S2
//	}
//	S3
// counters will be added before S1 and before S3. The block containing S2
// will be visited in a separate call.
// TODO: Nested simple blocks get unnecessary (but correct) counters
func (f *File) addCounters(pos, insertPos, blockEnd token.Pos, list []ast.Stmt, extendToClosingBrace bool) {}

// hasFuncLiteral reports the existence and position of the first func literal
// in the node, if any. If a func literal appears, it usually marks the termination
// of a basic block because the function body is itself a block.
// Therefore we draw a line at the start of the body of the first function literal we find.
// TODO: what if there's more than one? Probably doesn't matter much.
func hasFuncLiteral(n ast.Node) (bool, token.Pos) {}

// statementBoundary finds the location in s that terminates the current basic
// block in the source.
func (f *File) statementBoundary(s ast.Stmt) token.Pos {}

// endsBasicSourceBlock reports whether s changes the flow of control: break, if, etc.,
// or if it's just problematic, for instance contains a function literal, which will complicate
// accounting due to the block-within-an expression.
func (f *File) endsBasicSourceBlock(s ast.Stmt) bool {}

// isControl reports whether s is a control statement that, if labeled, cannot be
// separated from its label.
func (f *File) isControl(s ast.Stmt) bool {}

type funcLitFinder

func (f *funcLitFinder) Visit(node ast.Node) (w ast.Visitor) {}

func (f *funcLitFinder) found() bool {}

type block1

// offset translates a token position into a 0-indexed byte offset.
func (f *File) offset(pos token.Pos) int {}

// addVariables adds to the end of the file the declarations to set up the counter and position variables.
func (f *File) addVariables(w io.Writer) {}

type pos2

var seenPos2

// dedup takes a token.Position pair and returns a pair that does not
// duplicate any existing pair. The returned pair will have the Offset
// fields cleared.
func dedup(p1, p2 token.Position) (r1, r2 token.Position) {}

func (p *Package) emitMetaData(w io.Writer) {}

// atomicOnAtomic returns true if we're instrumenting
// the sync/atomic package AND using atomic mode.
func atomicOnAtomic() bool {}

// atomicPackagePrefix returns the import path prefix used to refer to
// our special import of sync/atomic; this is either set to the
// constant atomicPackageName plus a dot or the empty string if we're
// instrumenting the sync/atomic package itself.
func atomicPackagePrefix() string {}

func (p *Package) emitMetaFile(outpath string) {}