
func funcOutput(profile, outputFile string) error {}

// findFuncs parses the file and returns a slice of FuncExtent descriptors.
func findFuncs(name string) ([]*FuncExtent, error) {}

type FuncExtent

type FuncVisitor

// Visit implements the ast.Visitor interface.
func (v *FuncVisitor) Visit(node ast.Node) ast.Visitor {}

// coverage returns the fraction of the statements in the function that were covered, as a numerator and denominator.
func (f *FuncExtent) coverage(profile *cover.Profile) (num, den int64) {}

type Pkg

func findPkgs(profiles []*cover.Profile) (map[string]*Pkg, error) {}

// findFile finds the location of the named file in GOROOT, GOPATH etc.
func findFile(pkgs map[string]*Pkg, file string) (string, error) {}

func percent(covered, total int64) float64 {}