
// mkzversion writes zversion.go:
//	package sys
// (Nothing right now!)
func mkzversion(dir, file string) {}

// mkbuildcfg writes internal/buildcfg/zbootstrap.go:
//	package buildcfg
//	const defaultGOROOT = <goroot>
//	const defaultGO386 = <go386>
//	...
//	const defaultGOOS = runtime.GOOS
//	const defaultGOARCH = runtime.GOARCH
// The use of runtime.GOOS and runtime.GOARCH makes sure that
// a cross-compiled compiler expects to compile for its own target
// system. That is, if on a Mac you do:
//	GOOS=linux GOARCH=ppc64 go build cmd/compile
// the resulting compiler will default to generating linux/ppc64 object files.
// This is more useful than having it default to generating objects for the
// original target (in this example, a Mac).
func mkbuildcfg(file string) {}

// mkobjabi writes cmd/internal/objabi/zbootstrap.go:
//	package objabi
// (Nothing right now!)
func mkobjabi(file string) {}