
var bootstrapDirs

var ignorePrefixes

var ignoreSuffixes

const minBootstrap

var tryDirs

func bootstrapBuildTools() {}

var ssaRewriteFileSubstring

// isUnneededSSARewriteFile reports whether srcFile is a
// src/cmd/compile/internal/ssa/rewriteARCHNAME.go file for an
// architecture that isn't for the given GOARCH.
// When unneeded is true archCaps is the rewrite base filename without
// the "rewrite" prefix or ".go" suffix: AMD64, 386, ARM, ARM64, etc.
func isUnneededSSARewriteFile(srcFile, goArch string) (archCaps string, unneeded bool) {}

func bootstrapRewriteFile(srcFile string) string {}

var importRE

var importBlockRE

func bootstrapFixImports(srcFile string) string {}