
func cmdtest() {}

type tester

type work

// printSkip prints a skip message for all of work.
func (w *work) printSkip(t *tester, msg string) {}

type distTest

func (t *tester) run() {}

func (t *tester) shouldRunTest(name string) bool {}

func (t *tester) maybeLogMetadata() error {}

// testName returns the dist test name for a given package and variant.
func testName(pkg, variant string) string {}

type goTest

// bgCommand returns a go test Cmd and a post-Run flush function. The result
// will write its output to stdout and stderr. If stdout==stderr, bgCommand
// ensures Writes are serialized. The caller should call flush() after Cmd exits.
func (opts *goTest) bgCommand(t *tester, stdout, stderr io.Writer) (cmd *exec.Cmd, flush func()) {}

// run runs a go test and returns an error if it does not succeed.
func (opts *goTest) run(t *tester) error {}

// buildArgs is in internal helper for goTest that constructs the elements of
// the "go test" command line. build is the flags for building the test. run is
// the flags for running the test. pkgs is the list of packages to build and
// run. testFlags is the list of flags to pass to the test package.
// The caller must call setupCmd on the resulting exec.Cmd to set its directory
// and environment.
func (opts *goTest) buildArgs(t *tester) (build, run, pkgs, testFlags []string, setupCmd func(*exec.Cmd)) {}

// packages returns the full list of packages to be run by this goTest. This
// will always include at least one package.
func (opts *goTest) packages() []string {}

// printSkip prints a skip message for all of goTest.
func (opts *goTest) printSkip(t *tester, msg string) {}

var ranGoTest

var stdMatches

var ranGoBench

var benchMatches

func (t *tester) registerStdTest(pkg string) {}

func (t *tester) registerRaceBenchTest(pkg string) {}

func (t *tester) registerTests() {}

// addTest adds an arbitrary test callback to the test list.
// name must uniquely identify the test and heading must be non-empty.
func (t *tester) addTest(name, heading string, fn func(*distTest) error) {}

type registerTestOpt

type rtSkipFunc

func (rtSkipFunc) isRegisterTestOpt() {}

// registerTest registers a test that runs the given goTest.
// Each Go package in goTest will have a corresponding test
// "<pkg>:<variant>", which must uniquely identify the test.
// heading and test.variant must be non-empty.
func (t *tester) registerTest(heading string, test *goTest, opts ...registerTestOpt) {}

// dirCmd constructs a Cmd intended to be run in the foreground.
// The command will be run in dir, and Stdout and Stderr will go to os.Stdout
// and os.Stderr.
func (t *tester) dirCmd(dir string, cmdline ...interface{}

// flattenCmdline flattens a mixture of string and []string as single list
// and then interprets it as a command line: first element is binary, then args.
func flattenCmdline(cmdline []interface{}

func (t *tester) iOS() bool {}

func (t *tester) out(v string) {}

// extLink reports whether the current goos/goarch supports
// external linking. This should match the test in determineLinkMode
// in cmd/link/internal/ld/config.go.
func (t *tester) extLink() bool {}

func (t *tester) internalLink() bool {}

func (t *tester) internalLinkPIE() bool {}

// supportedBuildMode reports whether the given build mode is supported.
func (t *tester) supportedBuildmode(mode string) bool {}

func (t *tester) registerCgoTests(heading string) {}

// runPending runs pending test commands, in parallel, emitting headers as appropriate.
// When finished, it emits header for nextTest, which is going to run after the
// pending commands are done (and runPending returns).
// A test should call runPending if it wants to make sure that it is not
// running in parallel with earlier tests, or if it has some other reason
// for needing the earlier tests to be done.
func (t *tester) runPending(nextTest *distTest) {}

func (t *tester) hasBash() bool {}

// hasParallelism is a copy of the function
// internal/testenv.HasParallelism, which can't be used here
// because cmd/dist can not import internal packages during bootstrap.
func (t *tester) hasParallelism() bool {}

func (t *tester) raceDetectorSupported() bool {}

func isAlpineLinux() bool {}

func (t *tester) registerRaceTests() {}

var cgoPackages

var funcBenchmark

// packageHasBenchmarks reports whether pkg has benchmarks.
// On any error, it conservatively returns true.
// This exists just to eliminate work on the builders, since compiling
// a test in race mode just to discover it has no benchmarks costs a
// second or two per package, and this function returns false for
// about 100 packages.
func (t *tester) packageHasBenchmarks(pkg string) bool {}

// makeGOROOTUnwritable makes all $GOROOT files & directories non-writable to
// check that no tests accidentally write to $GOROOT.
func (t *tester) makeGOROOTUnwritable() (undo func()) {}

// raceDetectorSupported is a copy of the function
// internal/platform.RaceDetectorSupported, which can't be used here
// because cmd/dist can not import internal packages during bootstrap.
// The race detector only supports 48-bit VMA on arm64. But we don't have
// a good solution to check VMA size (see https://go.dev/issue/29948).
// raceDetectorSupported will always return true for arm64. But race
// detector tests may abort on non 48-bit VMA configuration, the tests
// will be marked as "skipped" in this case.
func raceDetectorSupported(goos, goarch string) bool {}

// buildModeSupported is a copy of the function
// internal/platform.BuildModeSupported, which can't be used here
// because cmd/dist can not import internal packages during bootstrap.
func buildModeSupported(compiler, buildmode, goos, goarch string) bool {}

// isUnsupportedVMASize reports whether the failure is caused by an unsupported
// VMA for the race detector (for example, running the race detector on an
// arm64 machine configured with 39-bit VMA).
func isUnsupportedVMASize(w *work) bool {}

// isEnvSet reports whether the environment variable evar is
// set in the environment.
func isEnvSet(evar string) bool {}