
// pathf is fmt.Sprintf for generating paths
// (on windows it turns / into \ after the printf).
func pathf(format string, args ...interface{}

// filter returns a slice containing the elements x from list for which f(x) == true.
func filter(list []string, f func(string) bool) []string {}

// uniq returns a sorted slice containing the unique elements of list.
func uniq(list []string) []string {}

const CheckExit

const ShowOutput

const Background

var outputLock

// run is like runEnv with no additional environment.
func run(dir string, mode int, cmd ...string) string {}

// runEnv runs the command line cmd in dir with additional environment env.
// If mode has ShowOutput set and Background unset, run passes cmd's output to
// stdout/stderr directly. Otherwise, run returns cmd's output as a string.
// If mode has CheckExit set and the command fails, run calls fatalf.
// If mode has Background set, this command is being run as a
// Background job. Only bgrun should use the Background mode,
// not other callers.
func runEnv(dir string, mode int, env []string, cmd ...string) string {}

var maxbg

var bgwork

var bghelpers

var dieOnce

var dying

func bginit() {}

func bghelper() {}

// bgrun is like run but runs the command in the background.
// CheckExit|ShowOutput mode is implied (since output cannot be returned).
// bgrun adds 1 to wg immediately, and calls Done when the work completes.
func bgrun(wg *sync.WaitGroup, dir string, cmd ...string) {}

// bgwait waits for pending bgruns to finish.
// bgwait must be called from only a single goroutine at a time.
func bgwait(wg *sync.WaitGroup) {}

// xgetwd returns the current directory.
func xgetwd() string {}

// xrealwd returns the 'real' name for the given path.
// real is defined as what xgetwd returns in that directory.
func xrealwd(path string) string {}

// isdir reports whether p names an existing directory.
func isdir(p string) bool {}

// isfile reports whether p names an existing file.
func isfile(p string) bool {}

// mtime returns the modification time of the file p.
func mtime(p string) time.Time {}

// readfile returns the content of the named file.
func readfile(file string) string {}

const writeExec

const writeSkipSame

// writefile writes text to the named file, creating it if needed.
// if exec is non-zero, marks the file as executable.
// If the file already exists and has the expected content,
// it is not rewritten, to avoid changing the time stamp.
func writefile(text, file string, flag int) {}

// xmkdir creates the directory p.
func xmkdir(p string) {}

// xmkdirall creates the directory p and its parents, as needed.
func xmkdirall(p string) {}

// xremove removes the file p.
func xremove(p string) {}

// xremoveall removes the file or directory tree rooted at p.
func xremoveall(p string) {}

// xreaddir replaces dst with a list of the names of the files and subdirectories in dir.
// The names are relative to dir; they are not full paths.
func xreaddir(dir string) []string {}

// xworkdir creates a new temporary directory to hold object files
// and returns the name of that directory.
func xworkdir() string {}

// fatalf prints an error message to standard error and exits.
func fatalf(format string, args ...interface{}

var atexits

// xexit exits the process with return code n.
func xexit(n int) {}

// xatexit schedules the exit-handler f to be run when the program exits.
func xatexit(f func()) {}

// xprintf prints a message to standard output.
func xprintf(format string, args ...interface{}

// errprintf prints a message to standard output.
func errprintf(format string, args ...interface{}

// xsamefile reports whether f1 and f2 are the same file (or dir).
func xsamefile(f1, f2 string) bool {}

func xgetgoarm() string {}

// elfIsLittleEndian detects if the ELF file is little endian.
func elfIsLittleEndian(fn string) bool {}

type count

func (c *count) String() string {}

func (c *count) Set(s string) error {}

func (c *count) IsBoolFlag() bool {}

func xflagparse(maxargs int) {}