
func usage() {}

const modPath

const modVersionPrefix

var goroot

var gohostos

var gohostarch

var goos

var goarch

func main() {}

// mode computes the mode for the given file name.
func mode(name string, _ fs.FileMode) fs.FileMode {}

// readVERSION reads the VERSION file.
// The first line of the file is the Go version.
// Additional lines are 'key value' pairs setting other data.
// The only valid key at the moment is 'time', which sets the modification time for file archives.
func readVERSION(goroot string) (version string, t time.Time) {}

// writeFile writes a file with the given name and data or fatals.
func writeFile(name string, data []byte) {}

// check panics if err is not nil. Otherwise it returns x.
// It is only meant to be used in a function that has deferred
// a function to recover appropriately from the panic.
func check[T any](x T, err error) T {}

// check1 panics if err is not nil.
// It is only meant to be used in a function that has deferred
// a function to recover appropriately from the panic.
func check1(err error) {}

// writeTgz writes the archive in tgz form to the file named name.
func writeTgz(name string, a *Archive) {}

// writeZip writes the archive in zip form to the file named name.
func writeZip(name string, a *Archive) {}

func reportHash(name string) {}