
type Dir

type Dirs

var dirs

// dirsInit starts the scanning of package directories in GOROOT and GOPATH. Any
// extra paths passed to it are included in the channel.
func dirsInit(extra ...Dir) {}

// goCmd returns the "go" command path corresponding to buildCtx.GOROOT.
func goCmd() string {}

// Reset puts the scan back at the beginning.
func (d *Dirs) Reset() {}

// Next returns the next directory in the scan. The boolean
// is false when the scan is done.
func (d *Dirs) Next() (Dir, bool) {}

// walk walks the trees in GOROOT and GOPATH.
func (d *Dirs) walk(roots []Dir) {}

// bfsWalkRoot walks a single directory hierarchy in breadth-first lexical order.
// Each Go source directory it finds is delivered on d.scan.
func (d *Dirs) bfsWalkRoot(root Dir) {}

var testGOPATH

// codeRoots returns the code roots to search for packages.
// In GOPATH mode this is GOROOT/src and GOPATH/src, with empty import paths.
// In module mode, this is each module root, with an import path set to its module path.
func codeRoots() []Dir {}

var codeRootsCache

var usingModules

func findCodeRoots() []Dir {}

type moduleJSON

var modFlagRegexp

// vendorEnabled indicates if vendoring is enabled.
// Inspired by setDefaultBuildMod in modload/init.go
func vendorEnabled() (*moduleJSON, bool, error) {}

// getMainModuleAnd114 gets the main module's information and whether the
// go command in use is 1.14+. This is the information needed to figure out
// if vendoring should be enabled.
func getMainModuleAnd114() (*moduleJSON, bool, error) {}