
const punchedCardWidth

const indent

type Package

func (pkg *Package) ToText(w io.Writer, text, prefix, codePrefix string) {}

type pkgBuffer

func (pb *pkgBuffer) Write(p []byte) (int, error) {}

func (pb *pkgBuffer) packageClause() {}

type PackageError

func (p PackageError) Error() string {}

// prettyPath returns a version of the package path that is suitable for an
// error message. It obeys the import comment if present. Also, since
// pkg.build.ImportPath is sometimes the unhelpful "" or ".", it looks for a
// directory name in GOROOT or GOPATH if that happens.
func (pkg *Package) prettyPath() string {}

// trim trims the directory prefix from the path, paying attention
// to the path separator. If they are the same string or the prefix
// is not present the original is returned. The boolean reports whether
// the prefix is present. That path and prefix have slashes for separators.
func trim(path, prefix string) (string, bool) {}

// pkg.Fatalf is like log.Fatalf, but panics so it can be recovered in the
// main do function, so it doesn't cause an exit. Allows testing to work
// without running a subprocess. The log prefix will be added when
// logged in main; it is not added here.
func (pkg *Package) Fatalf(format string, args ...any) {}

// parsePackage turns the build package we found into a parsed package
// we can then use to generate documentation.
func parsePackage(writer io.Writer, pkg *build.Package, userPath string) *Package {}

func (pkg *Package) Printf(format string, args ...any) {}

func (pkg *Package) flush() {}

var newlineBytes

// newlines guarantees there are n newlines at the end of the buffer.
func (pkg *Package) newlines(n int) {}

// emit prints the node. If showSrc is true, it ignores the provided comment,
// assuming the comment is in the node itself. Otherwise, the go/doc package
// clears the stuff we don't want to print anyway. It's a bit of a magic trick.
func (pkg *Package) emit(comment string, node ast.Node) {}

// oneLineNode returns a one-line summary of the given input node.
func (pkg *Package) oneLineNode(node ast.Node) string {}

// oneLineNodeDepth returns a one-line summary of the given input node.
// The depth specifies the maximum depth when traversing the AST.
func (pkg *Package) oneLineNodeDepth(node ast.Node, depth int) string {}

func (pkg *Package) formatTypeParams(list *ast.FieldList, depth int) string {}

// oneLineField returns a one-line summary of the field.
func (pkg *Package) oneLineField(field *ast.Field, depth int) string {}

// joinStrings formats the input as a comma-separated list,
// but truncates the list at some reasonable length if necessary.
func joinStrings(ss []string) string {}

// printHeader prints a header for the section named s, adding a blank line on each side.
func (pkg *Package) printHeader(s string) {}

// constsDoc prints all const documentation, if any, including a header.
// The one argument is the valueDoc registry.
func (pkg *Package) constsDoc(printed map[*ast.GenDecl]bool) {}

// varsDoc prints all var documentation, if any, including a header.
// Printed is the valueDoc registry.
func (pkg *Package) varsDoc(printed map[*ast.GenDecl]bool) {}

// funcsDoc prints all func documentation, if any, including a header.
func (pkg *Package) funcsDoc() {}

// funcsDoc prints all type documentation, if any, including a header.
func (pkg *Package) typesDoc() {}

// packageDoc prints the docs for the package.
func (pkg *Package) packageDoc() {}

// packageClause prints the package clause.
func (pkg *Package) packageClause() {}

// valueSummary prints a one-line summary for each set of values and constants.
// If all the types in a constant or variable declaration belong to the same
// type they can be printed by typeSummary, and so can be suppressed here.
func (pkg *Package) valueSummary(values []*doc.Value, showGrouped bool) {}

// funcSummary prints a one-line summary for each function. Constructors
// are printed by typeSummary, below, and so can be suppressed here.
func (pkg *Package) funcSummary(funcs []*doc.Func, showConstructors bool) {}

// typeSummary prints a one-line summary for each type, followed by its constructors.
func (pkg *Package) typeSummary() {}

// bugs prints the BUGS information for the package.
// TODO: Provide access to TODOs and NOTEs as well (very noisy so off by default)?
func (pkg *Package) bugs() {}

// findValues finds the doc.Values that describe the symbol.
func (pkg *Package) findValues(symbol string, docValues []*doc.Value) (values []*doc.Value) {}

// findFuncs finds the doc.Funcs that describes the symbol.
func (pkg *Package) findFuncs(symbol string) (funcs []*doc.Func) {}

// findTypes finds the doc.Types that describes the symbol.
// If symbol is empty, it finds all exported types.
func (pkg *Package) findTypes(symbol string) (types []*doc.Type) {}

// findTypeSpec returns the ast.TypeSpec within the declaration that defines the symbol.
// The name must match exactly.
func (pkg *Package) findTypeSpec(decl *ast.GenDecl, symbol string) *ast.TypeSpec {}

// symbolDoc prints the docs for symbol. There may be multiple matches.
// If symbol matches a type, output includes its methods factories and associated constants.
// If there is no top-level symbol, symbolDoc looks for methods that match.
func (pkg *Package) symbolDoc(symbol string) bool {}

// valueDoc prints the docs for a constant or variable. The printed map records
// which values have been printed already to avoid duplication. Otherwise, a
// declaration like:
//	const ( c = 1; C = 2 )
// … could be printed twice if the -u flag is set, as it matches twice.
func (pkg *Package) valueDoc(value *doc.Value, printed map[*ast.GenDecl]bool) {}

// typeDoc prints the docs for a type, including constructors and other items
// related to it.
func (pkg *Package) typeDoc(typ *doc.Type) {}

// trimUnexportedElems modifies spec in place to elide unexported fields from
// structs and methods from interfaces (unless the unexported flag is set or we
// are asked to show the original source).
func trimUnexportedElems(spec *ast.TypeSpec) {}

// trimUnexportedFields returns the field list trimmed of unexported fields.
func trimUnexportedFields(fields *ast.FieldList, isInterface bool) *ast.FieldList {}

// printMethodDoc prints the docs for matches of symbol.method.
// If symbol is empty, it prints all methods for any concrete type
// that match the name. It reports whether it found any methods.
func (pkg *Package) printMethodDoc(symbol, method string) bool {}

// printFieldDoc prints the docs for matches of symbol.fieldName.
// It reports whether it found any field.
// Both symbol and fieldName must be non-empty or it returns false.
func (pkg *Package) printFieldDoc(symbol, fieldName string) bool {}

// match reports whether the user's symbol matches the program's.
// A lower-case character in the user's string matches either case in the program's.
// The program string must be exported.
func match(user, program string) bool {}

// simpleFold returns the minimum rune equivalent to r
// under Unicode-defined simple case folding.
func simpleFold(r rune) rune {}