
type ActionID

type OutputID

type Cache

type DiskCache

// Open opens and returns the cache in the given directory.
// It is safe for multiple processes on a single machine to use the
// same cache directory in a local file system simultaneously.
// They will coordinate using operating system file locks and may
// duplicate effort but will not corrupt the cache.
// However, it is NOT safe for multiple processes on different machines
// to share a cache directory (for example, if the directory were stored
// in a network file system). File locking is notoriously unreliable in
// network file systems and may not suffice to protect the cache.
func Open(dir string) (*DiskCache, error) {}

// fileName returns the name of the file corresponding to the given id.
func (c *DiskCache) fileName(id [HashSize]byte, key string) string {}

type entryNotFoundError

func (e *entryNotFoundError) Error() string {}

func (e *entryNotFoundError) Unwrap() error {}

const hexSize

const entrySize

var verify

var errVerifyMode

var DebugTest

func init() {}

var gocacheverify

var gocachehash

var gocachetest

func initEnv() {}

// Get looks up the action ID in the cache,
// returning the corresponding output ID and file size, if any.
// Note that finding an output ID does not guarantee that the
// saved file for that output ID is still available.
func (c *DiskCache) Get(id ActionID) (Entry, error) {}

type Entry

// get is Get but does not respect verify mode, so that Put can use it.
func (c *DiskCache) get(id ActionID) (Entry, error) {}

// GetFile looks up the action ID in the cache and returns
// the name of the corresponding data file.
func GetFile(c Cache, id ActionID) (file string, entry Entry, err error) {}

// GetBytes looks up the action ID in the cache and returns
// the corresponding output bytes.
// GetBytes should only be used for data that can be expected to fit in memory.
func GetBytes(c Cache, id ActionID) ([]byte, Entry, error) {}

// GetMmap looks up the action ID in the cache and returns
// the corresponding output bytes.
// GetMmap should only be used for data that can be expected to fit in memory.
func GetMmap(c Cache, id ActionID) ([]byte, Entry, error) {}

// OutputFile returns the name of the cache file storing output with the given OutputID.
func (c *DiskCache) OutputFile(out OutputID) string {}

const mtimeInterval

const trimInterval

const trimLimit

// used makes a best-effort attempt to update mtime on file,
// so that mtime reflects cache access time.
// Because the reflection only needs to be approximate,
// and to reduce the amount of disk activity caused by using
// cache entries, used only updates the mtime if the current
// mtime is more than an hour old. This heuristic eliminates
// nearly all of the mtime updates that would otherwise happen,
// while still keeping the mtimes useful for cache trimming.
func (c *DiskCache) used(file string) {}

func (c *DiskCache) Close() error {}

// Trim removes old cache entries that are likely not to be reused.
func (c *DiskCache) Trim() error {}

// trimSubdir trims a single cache subdirectory.
func (c *DiskCache) trimSubdir(subdir string, cutoff time.Time) {}

// putIndexEntry adds an entry to the cache recording that executing the action
// with the given id produces an output with the given output id (hash) and size.
func (c *DiskCache) putIndexEntry(id ActionID, out OutputID, size int64, allowVerify bool) error {}

type noVerifyReadSeeker

// Put stores the given output in the cache as the output for the action ID.
// It may read file twice. The content of file must not change between the two passes.
func (c *DiskCache) Put(id ActionID, file io.ReadSeeker) (OutputID, int64, error) {}

// PutNoVerify is like Put but disables the verify check
// when GODEBUG=goverifycache=1 is set.
// It is meant for data that is OK to cache but that we expect to vary slightly from run to run,
// like test output containing times and the like.
func PutNoVerify(c Cache, id ActionID, file io.ReadSeeker) (OutputID, int64, error) {}

func (c *DiskCache) put(id ActionID, file io.ReadSeeker, allowVerify bool) (OutputID, int64, error) {}

// PutBytes stores the given bytes in the cache as the output for the action ID.
func PutBytes(c Cache, id ActionID, data []byte) error {}

// copyFile copies file into the cache, expecting it to have the given
// output ID and size, if that file is not present already.
func (c *DiskCache) copyFile(file io.ReadSeeker, out OutputID, size int64) error {}

// FuzzDir returns a subdirectory within the cache for storing fuzzing data.
// The subdirectory may not exist.
// This directory is managed by the internal/fuzz package. Files in this
// directory aren't removed by the 'go clean -cache' command or by Trim.
// They may be removed with 'go clean -fuzzcache'.
// TODO(#48526): make Trim remove unused files from this directory.
func (c *DiskCache) FuzzDir() string {}